68. Ann Kirk and Richard Henwood --He came in the first handcart company.

I decided tonight to do a quick post -- Actually I have enjoyed this so much, I don't really want to give up doing one blog a day -- but I probably won't do every day. Please watch for it -- This is about Wayne's mother Gladys' grandmother and grandfather, and was written by Gladys Dayton Eckman. This is about Ann Kirk, (and her husband Richard Henwood) who was the daughter of Phillip Kirk, whose story is told in blog # 61, Phillip Kirk -- burned in effigy. I have copied 4 pages in the history, which are below. Ann was one of the 3 children the parents sent over to America four years before they had money enough to come. She married Richard Henwood, who came with the very first handcart company in 1856. The first few companies that year came without incident, but the last two were the Willie and Martin companies, we've all heard about a lot. Richard came with his sister, and his father and stepmother. He was 18 years old, and we've hear...