
Showing posts from August, 2023

2047. Why Being an Imperfect Mother is a gift! in Meridian Magazine

  Why being an imperfect mother is a gift Excerpted from “To Cheer and To Bless: Celebrating 20 Years of Time Out for Women.” Address delivered by  Emily Watts   August 04, 2023 07:00 AM MDT If you read to the end, I'll mention things that show I was a very imperfect mother, especially with my firstborn son! Email Prin “One of the gifts of imperfection [is] that we get the chance to learn and to grow and to become.” Vera Livchak/Getty Images The following excerpt comes from a Time Out for Women address given by Sister Emily Watts in 2015. To read more Time Out for Women addresses, check out  To Cheer and To Bless: Celebrating 20 Years of Time Out for Women , available now at Deseret Book. This past summer, we bought a new car. Well, a new used car—new to us. We only do it about every eight or ten years. It seems like there’s always some innovation in cars; cars do things differently than they used to. And the innovation for me in this car is that when you turn it on,...

2046. How to be more Mindful of the ministry of Angels in your Life, by Danielle Christensen, in LDS Magazine

  How to be more mindful of the ministry of angels in your life By  Danielle Christensen   August 17, 2023 08:00 AM MDT Email Prin Shepherds learn of the birth of Christ through an angel of the Lord (Luke 2:9). The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints YouTube screenshot We often read stories of angels in the scriptures. We know that Daniel was cast into a den of lions but was protected because “God hath sent his angel and hath shut the lions’ mouths” (see  Daniel 6:22 ). We know that the angel Gabriel visited Mary, telling her to fear not, and that she would bear the Son of God (see  Luke 1:30 ). And when the Savior suffered in Gethsemane, an angel came “unto him from heaven, strengthening him” ( Luke 22:43 ). These angels, and many others in scripture, have fulfilled important roles in helping others during their time of need. In fact, the  Bible Dictionary  explains that angels are “messengers of the Lord” who are “sent forth to minister to th...