551. Push Away from the Table -- Electronically speaking, and wisdom for the family!
In this age of technology, it is easy to become consumed by it , and it may take up our time more than it should. Here are good ideas for Christmas, and every day! Friday Minute: Push Away From the Table By Wm J. Monahan · December 3, 2015, from Meridian Magazine My dad used to say, “Push away from the table while you’re still a little hungry.” Pushing away is also sage advice for those willing to restrict the glut of media and entertainment overeating. In a feeding frenzy of high-fat entertainment and lewd low-fashion disguised as virtual virtue, the world is digesting itself. The more it feeds, the more it needs. While many are enamored with sizzle over substance and the latest gadgets and platforms, content and message still matter. Protecting your family from electronic overload is essential. The problem with addiction to the virtual world is that real addiction is not virtual. I am not suggesting the elimination of electronic devices, the Inte...