
Showing posts from November, 2019

1166. How to rejoice in 1000+ gospel blessings within an hour By Shalissa Lindsay -- an amazing way to realize our blessings, and be THANKFUL!

This is one of the best articles I've read, which helps me realize all the blessings I have to be thankful for! How to rejoice in 1000+ gospel blessings within an hour By  Shalissa Lindsay  · November 25, 2019 God refers to his countless blessings using phrases like “the sands of the sea”. Today let’s play in His sandbox and enjoy a teaspoonful of gospel blessings. Can we together count 1000 grains? Easily. A few years ago at Thanksgiving, our family tried a new activity. Working from 10 broad starter categories, we swiftly shouted out and scribbled down 100 items in each category.  In this way, we were able to rapid-fire list 1000 “Reasons to Be Thankful” in less than an hour. Thinking in terms of categories made it easy to hit 1000 quickly and sometimes count much higher. Here’s what our non-religious categories looked like: 1000+ Reasons to Be Thankful (secular version) 100 foods you love (think desserts!) 100 animals or things in...

1165. Living Up to Our Privileges: A Consecrated Life By Meghan Decker, in Meridian Magazine. A GREAT ARTICLE!

Living Up to Our Privileges: A Consecrated Life By  Meghan Decker  · November 19, 2019 Sign up for Meridian’s Free Newsletter, please  CLICK HERE Every time I hear the quote from Brigham Young about living beneath my privileges, I experience FOMO—fear of missing out. While that can feel like an underhanded marketing trick when I’m convinced to buy something “While They Last!”, Brigham Young’s insight invites me to think about whether I am fully living the life that can be mine: There is no doubt, if a person lives according to the revelations given to God’s people, he may have the Spirit of the Lord to signify to him his will, and to guide and to direct him in the discharge of his duties, in his temporal as well as his spiritual exercises. I am satisfied, however, that in this respect, we live far beneath our privileges. ( Discourses of Brigham Young , p. 32) Those are invaluable promises: the Spirit of the Lord will help me understand God’s...

1164. Army memories, and Wayne singing "You're A Grand Old Flag"!

My dear husband Wayne --Sept. 18th, 1930 to Feb. 21st, 2016 -- singing !  This was taken in our living room during a family celebration for our 60th wedding anniversary, in September, 2015.  Also some pictures of him in the army in the 1950's Wayne always got along so well with kids!  This was taken in Austria.    This was taken when they went to an army retreat, and got to wear civilian clothes. An example of times when they were out on manuvers. I've always loved these pictures, most of which he sent me when we were writing letters at that time.  

1163. Jonathan Decker: The Tragedy in Mexico, Our True Enemy, and Compassion in the Last Days, from LDS Living

I haven't written for a few days, as I've been supporting family members who have had some real problems.  Today I want to share this very important article from LDS Living. Jonathan Decker: The  Jonathan Decker: The Tragedy in Mexico, Our True Enemy, and Compassion in the Last Days by Jonathan Decker, LMFT  | Nov. 08, 2019 Author's Note: I wrote this in place of my "Ask a Latter-day Saint Therapist" article this week. It was written for those both within and outside of our faith. My normal column will return next week. For news coverage of the  Mexico Massacre on . I've been thinking about the tragedy in Mexico, in which a cartel brutally shot and burned alive American women and children. Having a wife and kids who mean the world to me, the reality of it hit me hard. I actually cried about it uncontrollably yesterday. And yet, I have heard some people claim that these people deserved their fa...

1162. If You Think You've Messed Up God's Plan for You, Read This by Tommy Johnson, in Meridian Magazine -- Very comforting!

If You Think You've Messed Up God's Plan for You, Read This by Tommy Johnson   | Oct. 21, 2019 Makes You Think Mormon Life To anyone who thinks they’ve messed up God’s plan for them—you have not. More importantly, you cannot. God is the author of eternity. We have the ability to choose, so we are ultimately the commanders of our fate. But no matter what we do, no matter how much we may feel we've distanced ourselves from God or lived a life we believe He wouldn't be interested in helping, this is not true.  Elder Jeffrey R. Holland taught , "There is nothing . . . that you have done that cannot be undone." If you believe you've ruined God's personal plan for your life, you may feel hopeless or helpless. Your pain is real and strong and valid. However, although it may sound unbelievable now, our Heavenly Parent's love for you is real and stronger than anything we know. To gain a better idea of how divine...