40. More Family Memories in Photos (2)

The photo above is of McKay and Kim's wedding in 1987.  Kim's parents are on the left, and traveled here from Taiwan to be at the wedding.  Her father  passed away a few years ago.  Her mother isn't well at this time, and is in the hospital. Her parents were very polite, well educated and genteel people.

This picture is of Wayne's mother, Gladys Tregenna Dayton, about age 18, before she was married.  Our daughter Tacy looks a lot like her.

This above is of Wayne as Santa, and Elder Sam Watts on the left and Elder Jared Beckstead on the right, when on our mission in Connecticut in 1999/2000.  At that time we worried about Y2K -- or the coming of the year 2000, and if it would cause problems with computers, etc.  It didn't !  

This is Jeremy, and his darling daughter Jessica.  Jessica is now 20, and a beautiful young lady.

This is Pal and Maria, a dear friend who was a member of our Portuguese branch on our mission in Danbury, Connecticut -- about 2000.

This is a beloved family photo, with our older sister, Delsy  in the back, about 22.  Mom, Ruth, about 38 on the left, Vina, about 10, Mavis about 7, and me (Pal) about 12, and Dad, about 55.  Delsy was a half sister, born of my Dad's first short marriage.  She was 10 years older than I was.  She passed away just before Christmas, Dec. 22, 1947, within a year of this photo -- with toxemia -- about 3 weeks before she would have had her first baby, which was never born.  It was a sad time for us.   She was so good to her three little sisters. 

This is a cherished photo, of Pal's great grandmother Martha Ann Riste Wilson (Ruth's grandmother) in the center of the lower three.  She was a convert to the Church and came from England when she was 16, and married her husband George 2 days before she turned 17, and he was 49 --31 years older.  They had 11 children, born in 9 different towns.  George was a saw mill maker, and he would be called to make a saw mill in a newly organized town, and then when it was working, he would be called somewhere else.  Her daughter Levinah, my grandmother, and Ruth's mother,  is the center daughter on the top line.  This photo was originally of Martha Ann and her 5 daughters..  Her husband George Deliverance Wilson was photo-shopped in by our grandson Sam Lieske.  Martha Ann had a beautiful high soprano voice, and before leaving England she sang a solo for Queen Victoria of England.

These are Wayne's parents, Gladys Tregenna Dayton, and Roy Waldamer Eckman about the time they were married in 1920.  She was raised in the pioneer mining town of Ophir, west of Tooele.  They lived in Tooele for awhile, then moved to Murray, south of Salt Lake City, and eventually had 9 children -- Blaine and Wayne, the twins, were #'s 5 and 6.


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