49. Christmas Day, 2013 in St. George, Utah

Dear friends and family --  I hope you've had a Merry Christmas!  It has been chilly but  sunny here, and the snow fall 2 weeks ago is about melted.

I have really wished that I could hear from some of you who read this blog, and know what you're thinking, or if it gives you some help and encouragement some day.  I checked and my e mail isn't listed.  

 You go down to the bottom on the right, where it says "Wayne and Pal".  Under it gives some information, and on the bottom is written --   "View my complete profile"  Click on that and it brings up another page.  There are words under the title which say ---   About  --- Posts  --- Photos -- Videos, etc.  Click on About, and under "Tag" on the right, I have posted my e mail.  But I will also put it in this entry. 

 My e mail I use all the time is:      paralee_eckman@infowest.com

      The g mail is an e mail I don't check often, and don't use.  Please write me at the one i use all the time, if you'd like!  I'd be happy to answer also.

          This photo was taken in our living room, 2 years ago, Christmas of 2011, our most recent photo.  Wayne has his "Christmas Tie" on, which he wears each year at Christmas!

The beautiful Christmas Day just spent began last night with a ham dinner at our daughter Delsy's home.  We played a game there -- one of our favorites, Six Handed Rook, which is one of our favorite family games, as we had just 6 people, Wayne and I, Delsy and Gordon, and their sons Andy and Matt.  That game is really fun, and if any of you want to learn how to play it, e mail me, and I'll explain some of the rules.  If you have played Rook, it's quite easy to understand.  We are quite a card game playing family.  Other favorites are "Five Crowns", and "Quiddler".  -- Also many others! -- One we changed from another game, and now call "Boomerang!"

After the game we went to our daughter Anita's, and with her 3 sons watched the Christmas Video I recommended in the last blog, and then went around telling our "gift to Jesus" for the coming year.  I stated that I am planning to take many classes at the local Family History Center, and learn -- once again --to understand the latest technology that is being constantly improved, so I can continue to get family names ready for the Temple.  Over the last 15 or so years, I have had to learn periodically, as the methods have changed often.

After a great night's sleep, we woke up, opened a few simple gifts, and read the newspaper (a daily ritual).  Wayne said,  "I would love to have waffles this morning!"  After a few phone calls to family, went to Anita's, visited them a few minutes, and then went to Delsy's and played another game -- "Catch Phrase" Fun!  Then we came home, Wayne had a nap, and I figured out how to set up the new sound speakers we got for our computer. 

 We got a call from our daughter Pam, who had a visit with her missionary daughter, Skye, with Skype.  She has been out only 6 days so there wasn't a lot of news, but she is loving it.  Then I listened awhile to a DVD of our grandson Ben's concert in our Tabernacle last summer before he went on his mission to Taiwan.  He has a gifted tenor voice.  Later in the evening we went back to Anita's to be there when Ben did a Skype call from Taiwan.  It was 7 p.m. here, and in Taiwan, it was 10 a.m. tomorrow!  They are 15 hours ahead.

He now has a native Taiwan Elder for a companion, which should really help him with the Mandarin Chinese language.  He is very happy, and we enjoyed that visit.  They are the only missionaries in a city of over 200,000, named Pingdong, (south Taiwan).   I hope many of you had the opportunity of also talking to a missionary on the phone, or on Skype.  The technology available to us these days is amazing!  It is so inspirational to listen to a missionary!

After coming home, we listened to part of a lovely Christmas Tabernacle Choir concert, with bells, dancers, the orchestra, etc.  It was called "Christmas With the Mormons".  If any of you get a chance to watch it, it is beautiful!  The King Singers, 6 men who sing together, were their guests, and they were really good!  It was a lovely fulfilling day.  I listened to the words especially when they sang "O Holy Night", and truly felt the thrill and significance of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ those many years ago. 

 As a pianist and accompanist, I have played for many talented performers, and my mind has mostly been tuned to how well we were performing, and tonight I felt I really listened with my heart, and felt the words.  I hope I can learn to do that more -- I have so many wonderfully talented musical friends!  It is easy to get caught up in the mechanics of a good performance and forget the true meaning of the songs being sung.  

 My sister Mavis asked me how to receive the Latter Day Light Devotional messages on her e mail each day.  I found it, and this is what you do --  

It says -- (on the bottom)  " to subscribe to this newsletter visit www.latterdaylight.com "  Below is what was listed today.   Besides giving a scripture, and a quote from a prophet on the scripture, it makes Church History come alive when it tells what happened in the Church on this date during the past years.  It next gives some scripture you can read each day so you will complete some books in that year.  It will be interesting to see what will be outlined for next year.  It will start on January 1, 2014. 

Latter Day Light


Faith in Jesus Christ
Facebook Loge - name Nauvoo, Illinois
December 25, 2013

Articles of Faith 1:4
"We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost."


Joseph F. Smith

Joseph F. Smith
"Our faith in Jesus Christ lies at the foundation of our religion, the foundation of our hope for remission of sins, and for exaltation after death, and for the resurrection from death to everlasting life. Our faith in the doctrines that have been restored through the instrumentality of the Prophet Joseph Smith confirms and strengthens us and establishes beyond a question or doubt, our faith and belief in the divine mission of the Son of God" (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph F. Smith, p. 50).


Read the Doctrine and Covenants/Pearl of Great Price and the Book of Mormon in a Year with our Daily Reading Schedule:

December 25

1832 - The Prophet Joseph Smith receives the revelation known as Doctrine and Covenants 87 at a time when the brethren were reflecting and reasoning upon slavery in the United States and throughout the world. This revelation contains the prophecy of the war between the states beginning in South Carolina, and the great calamities that shall fall upon the earth. (History of the Church, 1:301-302)

1835 - The Prophet Joseph spends Christmas with his family, "the only time I have had this privilege so satisfactorily for a long period."

1838 - The Prophet spent this Christmas in Liberty Jail. His brother, Don Carlos, and his cousin George A. Smith, returned to their homes and families in Missouri after finishing their mission to Kentucky and Tennessee. They were chased by a mob as they neared their homes and they nearly froze to death from the cold.

1843 - The Prophet Joseph and his family were awaken about 1:00 am to the sounds of carolers--an English sister, Lettice Rushton, who was blind, accompanied by three of her sons, with their wives, and her two daughters, with their husbands, and several of her neighbors--outside their home in Nauvoo, which the Prophet records "caused a thrill of pleasure to run through my soul." At 2:00 p.m., about fifty couples came to the Prophet's home to dine. The evening was spent "in music, dancing, &c., in a most cheerful and friendly manner." During the festivities, after nearly ten months in a Missouri jail, Orrin Porter Rockwell arrives at the home of the Prophet Joseph Smith in Nauvoo. At first the Prophet thought it was a Missouri ruffian causing problems and ordered the captain of the police to remove him. A fight ensued and when the Prophet attempted to help, he recognized who it was, which brought him great joy and satisfaction. Also, brother Daniel Avery was freed by his kidnappers who had taken him to Missouri earlier in the year. (History of the Church, 6:134)

1844 - Brigham Young, and other leaders of the Church in Nauvoo, attended a Christmas dinner and party at the Coolidge home. In his remarks, Brigham Young stated that the Lord would never allow them to overcome their enemies as long as they had feelings of revenge. He expressed his good feelings and love for the Saints.

1845 - Temple work continued in the Nauvoo Temple. The Twelve met and discussed moving to the west and united in prayer. The U.S. marshal was again in town looking for Brigham Young and other leaders of the Church. Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, and others, again stayed in the Temple all night.

1914 - The First Presidency asks members of the Church to donate money to relieve the suffering of people in Europe as a result of World War I being fought there.

1925 - Elder Melvin J. Ballard, in Argentina doing missionary work, dedicates South America for the preaching of the gospel prophesying "the South American Mission will become a power in the Church." 


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