52. Church Leaders don't have to be perfect.

I follow a blog that I really enjoy.  I think you would enjoy it also, so I'm putting in the blog he did for December 26, 2013 -- just 2 days ago.  So what you read below is Brian Mickelson's blog.   I'm assuming it is okay to copy and paste this, as it is on a public blog.

This is the link in case you'd like to follow him also:


Brian Mickelson….

Thoughts, updates, and information about, well, everything…

I'm reading President Henry B. Eyring's biography. I'm not far into it, but I like it. Of course, there is a section of two on his parents, Henry and Mildred and how their lives and faith impacted young Henry ("Hal") who would eventually serve in the leading quorums of the church.
eyringHere is a short quote from Henry (the father and award-winning scientist):
"I like contradictions. I like a little bit of a mess, and I am glad when one of the brethren says something that I think is little bit foolish, because I think if the Lord can stand him, maybe he can stand me. So that's it, and I think that maybe there's a certain stumbling block that some of us have: we expect other people to be a kind of perfection that we don't even attempt to approach ourselves. We expect the brethren or the bishop or the stake president or the General Authorities to be not human, even. We expect the Lord to just open and shut their mouth, but He doesn't do that -- they are human beings; but they're wonderful, and they do better than they would if it weren't for the Lord helping them." (quote from Henry Eyring, I Will Lead You Along, 29)
I like a number of things here:
1. The leaders of the church don't attempt to, and don't have to, be perfect.
2. We often expect others to rise to a level of perfection we'd never ask of ourselves.
3. The Lord doesn't just open and shut the mouths of our leaders (like I pictured when I was very young).
4. The implied idea, which I believe to be true with all of my heart, that the Lord is still working in and through those He has called.
eyringPresident Henry B. Eyring, in a BYU devotional, taught:
"Clearly, my problem and your problem is to hear the word of God from and through imperfect teachers and leaders. That is your test and mine. And it is our opportunity....God has said that if we are going to make it home again, we must not only hear his voice privately by our own effort, but also through the voice of his servants who, when they speak by the power of the Spirit, speak as if it were his voice." (Henry B. Eyring, "Listen Together," BYU devotional, September 4, 1998)

President Eyring is right; this is the test, your test and mine. I'm thankful for opportunities to take the test each week--each day, even. I love the Lord and I love those He has called in the last days...
Be Encouraging...
The link again to his blog:



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