157. Grateful for better health, and Priesthood Blessings! 6/4/14

Sorry, I inserted this by accident.  I hope you enjoyed reading it again!  As of today, I am about back to normal with my arm recovered from rotator cuff surgery, and 6 weeks of physical therapy.  This was first published on June 4, 2014, before I even knew I would have surgery on August 25, 2014.

---------I am so grateful today that I am finally feeling almost back to normal!  For almost 2 months I have not been feeling well, some days worse than others.  It seems that I had been taking ibuprophen and aspirin too often, and it irritated my stomach so I was feeling nauseated a lot of the time.  After a stomach scope I knew I didn't have stomach ulcers, or stomach cancer, for which I am very thankful!  I can't imagine what people go through that have those ailments.

Three times, on particularly miserable days, my husband Wayne gave me a Priesthood blessing, each time assuring me I would recover completely from this ailment.  But as usually is the case, Heavenly Father had a timetable for that blessing to be realized.  It was connected with the time it took for my stomach to heal, with the proper medicine and bland food!  

This reminds me of so many of the blessings we pray for and the answers don't seem to come immediately.  We often think that Heavenly Father didn't answer our prayers, or that the answer was "No!"  But often the answer is "Have patience and wait, and your righteous desires will come to pass."  I remember many years ago hearing a situation in which my nephew was a bishop, and there was a certain problem in his ward that he consulted about with a General Authority who had come to visit there.  The General Authority asked "Is this a problem that will probably resolve itself in 15 to 25 years?"  The answer was "Yes."  "Then", said the GA, "Don't worry about it!  That is nothing in the Lord's time!"

So for any of you dear readers out there, I pray for you and also pray you'll have patience and faith to allow the Lord to let things happen in His timetable.  It is always right!  I DO HAVE FAITH IN THE LORD'S WILL, AND PRAY I ALWAYS WILL.   He doesn't take away anyone's agency, and that often is a big part of the solution! At almost age 80, I have no idea what the Lord has in mind for the rest of my life.  I only hope it isn't more problems with my stomach!  That isn't fun!  My own father had problems like this for perhaps 50 years, and it has given me a new love and respect for what he went through.  Also a few days ago, in the history of what happened in the Church on that day in history, one of the days said that the Prophet Joseph Smith had stayed home with a "bilious spell."  That may have been similar to what I had -- and without modern medicine!

I saved this quote on one of the days I didn't feel like writing.  The scripture quoted from Jacob sounds quite depressing, but the quote by President Harold B. Lee is wonderful counsel to parents.  We need to live our lives in honesty, and be what we "pretend" to be!

Latter Day Light


Our Testimony by Example 
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May 23, 2014

Jacob 3:10
"Wherefore, ye shall remember your children, how that ye have grieved their hearts because of the example that ye have set before them; and also, remember that ye may, because of your filthiness, bring your children unto destruction, and their sins be heaped upon your heads at the last day."


Harold B. Lee
Harold B. Lee

"Can a child come to love his neighbor unless he has known love himself? Can a young person who has never been trusted learn to trust? Can a boy who has never known work or responsibility see how those vital traits are needed to hold our whole society together? Can a girl who has not been a part of honest, candid discussions of gospel principles in her home cope with the criticisms of the world and the intellectual assaults on her religion? . . . 
"We must remember that in some of our young, the offense over adult hypocrisy is not always their desire to 'get something on us,' but a deep sense of disappointment. They truly want us to be what we pretend to be, because when we are, it is a testimony to them that we really believe" ("Preparing Our Youth," Ensign, March 1971).


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