228. 12 week, or 2 transfer missions.

This was sent to me by my daughter.  Her own daughter served on a 12 week mission before being called to her current mission in California.  Her missionary testimony on Mormon.org can be found in entry # 210.

You probably got a call from your Stake President asking to meet with you because you hadn’t received your call in the mail like most future missionaries do. The Stake President sat across from you and read your call. Speaking from personal experience, I was filled with TONS of questions and knew other people would be too. Turns out, I wasn’t the first one to do this. These missions are rare, but hopefully this post can answer a few questions for you and many others.
What is a two-transfer mission?A two transfer mission is a 3 month period of a proselyting mission. The schedule is the same as a missionary with a 18 month or two year call. The missionary has a companion and completes the same tasks including teaching, scripture study, and service and any other missionary. You do not go to the MTC.
So this is the same thing as a mini mission?
NO! A mini mission is usually two weeks and can be done by an older youth thinking about going on a mission. You are SET APART like any other full time missionary.
Who gets called and why?
Young men (18 or older) and women (19 or older) who are applying for a mission may have certain medical history or other factors that are particularly noticed by those reviewing the mission application. Honesty and integrity in filling these forms out is key, and General Authorities make prayerful and careful decisions when assigning calls. They take every factor in to thought, and if they feel like a three month transitional period would be best for the missionary, they will be inspired to make sure that happens. Heavenly Father doesn’t want us to fail.
Did you request this 3 month mission? Or was this a suggestion by your local authorities?
There is no checkbox for a two-transfer mission. This call is divinely inspired from Heavenly Father to select individuals who He feels would benefit.
What happens after the 3 months? Can you extend?
After three months, you and your Mission President go through an evaluation. If you feel that you are done after three months and wish to return home, you are honorably released and receive a plaque. If you decide you want to stay- this IS an option- you may, and you will be assigned to a different mission in the States to complete the remaining 15 months or 21 months. You do not go to the MTC after your three months.
Where do you serve?
Two-transfer missionaries tend to serve around their home state. They don’t usually serve in the same mission as their family, but it will probably be the mission next to it. If you’re in a state the only has two missions, you may be in the one you didn’t grow up in, or you could serve in a bordering state.
Do you go to the temple before? It that required or can you request to go?
I can only speak for the women, but the leaders tend to not encourage endowment before a two-transfer mission. If the individual feels strongly and wants to go through the temple, that’s something she can discuss with her Stake President. If you decide to stay and extend the mission, you then may go through the temple after those three months are up and gather the items needed for that.
Do you have a different packing list than an 18 months?Nope! I packed just about the same amount of stuff as a full time missionary, but I only packed for the season/months that I would be in my assigned mission. If you decide to stay and are transferred to a different mission however, I believe your family can send clothing or shoes (if needed) for a particular climate if it’s significantly different.
Our granddaughter is 2nd from the left, at a visit to the temple.
Below she is on the left.

MY OWN DAUGHTER ADDED THE FOLLOWING ABOUT HER                                                                 EXPERIENCE.
Thoughts about my daughters two transfer mission.
When we first got the call from the Stake President telling us that my daughter would be going on a two transfer mission it was kind of weird.  I had never heard of this and wanted to know more and why she was not given a regular mission call.  After we met with the Stake President and got all the facts, I knew that Heavenly Father was helping my daughter by sending her on a TRIAL mission because he wanted to make sure she was ready.  I was so grateful to know that He was watching out for her and knew exactly what she needed to be able to succeed in her full time mission.  The Lord works in mysterious ways and we just have to have faith in His divine guidance to know that He is there.  My daughter had the opportunity to be involved in bringing several families who had gone astray back in to going to Church and knowing that they belonged there.  My daughter is one that has a LOVE for everyone.  She has had some problems in her life that could have turned her in another direction, but by her trusting in the Lord she knew that she is one of His valiant servants and will be led by Him to find more lost sheep that need a shepherd.
One thing that is different for my daughter than what is said above is that she got her permanent call while on her two transfer mission and came home for one week to go through the temple and get ready to serve a mission elsewhere.  She went to the MTC for 2 weeks and then went to her new mission.  I know that this was the best thing for my daughter.  I wish more young missionaries had the opportunity to serve a two transfer mission so they can know what a mission is all about.  There are so many who think they know what to expect and then come home early because they can’t handle it.  This mission was my daughter’s salvation and she knew exactly what her full time mission would be like.  I am grateful that she really had the opportunity to serve for 12 weeks to really know what SHE wanted instead of her family and friends deciding it for her.  I hope to see more missionaries doing this because then we will have the missionary force out there who really wants to be there for themselves and not others.   


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