240. Our daughter Anita's birthday was Sept. 19th. This is your life, Anita (briefly)

I began this entry on September 19th, a day after my husband got home from the hospital.  I wanted to post it that day, as I had decided to start a tradition this year, and first wrote about our oldest son, Wayne M., on his birthday July 8th.  But it became obvious I wouldn't be able to finish it, so I want to do that today.  
------------------Written on Sept. 19, 2014

Our third child, Anita, has a birthday today, and, if she doesn't mind, I'll tell that she is 55 years old.

Anita was born on September 19th, 1959, in St. George, Utah, the fall that Wayne was teaching his first year, up north in Garden City next to Bear Lake.  We moved there in the summer after Wayne graduated from Utah State in Logan, and we didn't know anyone -- no doctor or someone to help me after she was born.  So we decided to take me and our son Wayne, 3 years old, and Delsy, almost 16 months old, down for us to be in St. George.  We had Dr. Reichman, who had delivered Wayne M., and also my mother was teaching school there, and couldn't come up to Garden City.
 Mother hired a lady to stay with me and the 2 children during the days, and when Anita was 9 days old, we drove back to Salt Lake.  There we met Wayne who had really missed his small family!  Anita has been so good natured all her life, and has had such a strong feeling for her extended family, and siblings.

                            Anita as a happy, loveable baby.

I won't be able to tell much about her life, -- It could be a book!  But I will post quite a few pictures that give insights to what a lovely daughter she is. 
                             Anita, as a happy 3 year old!
Anita, about age 12.

This picture was taken when she went back and participated in the Hill Cumorah Pageant.  She was 18, and went back twice and was in the pageant in both 1979 and 1980.  I had been in the same pageant just before our wedding in 1955.  She graduated from Jordan High School in Sandy, and went down to St. George the next fall to college.  During her childhood and teen years we lived in Sandy, Utah, for 19 years.

This was at a wedding I think, when Anita helped serve.  Anita is in blue on the right.

This was taken at Anita's grandmother's 80th birthday party in 1988(my mother Ruth.)  From left to right, McKay, Anita, Tacy, Angie, Russell, Greg, and in the front, Allen, Wayne, and David.  (Russell, Greg, and David are cousins.)

This was taken when Anita was in college, and working as a secretary to the ROTC at Utah State.  She went to several colleges, and last of all she received her Bachelor's Degree from Utah State University.  She spent one semester at BYU Hawaii, and has always had a love for Polynesian people.  At her encouragement her brother McKay also went to BYU Hawaii later.
The inscription is hard to read -- it says Anita, Pal, Wayne, McKay, and Kim in 1988, at McKay and Kim's graduation from BYU Hawaii.

This is Anita with her first child, Sam.  She has always loved being a mother!

This is left to right, Delsy, Anita, and Pamela, sisters.  Anita is holding David, who is 6 days older than Miriam, who Pamela is holding.

Anita's precious 4 boys, left to right, Sam, holding David, a baby, Ben, and Jake.  Around this age we called them "The Wrecking Crew!"  But the day came they felt bad with that label, and we dropped it! 

Anita, with Jake about 3, and holding David, about 1.
It wasn't easy to hold on to David, 2, Jake 4, and Ben 6, in the airport, waiting for a missionary to return.  I forget which missionary!

Diane, on the left, Anita's "twin" cousin, (the daughter of Wayne's identical twin Blaine) and Wayne M. big brother, and Anita.
Sam, Anita's oldest, who set the standard for his brothers as an outstanding missionary, in California.  He is now here at Dixie State University, and plans to study and become an architect.  He does beautiful art work!

Ben, left, and Jake, both on missions now -- holding Rico, their family dog.

Elder Ben Lieske, left July 10, 2013, for a mission to Taichung, Taiwan.  Ben has a beautiful high tenor voice, and in his first year of college at SUU in Cedar City, Utah, he sang the tenor lead in the Mozart opera, "Don Giovanni".  He gave a concert in our Tabernacle before his mission, and has one already scheduled there about a month after he returns next summer.

Elder Jacob Lieske, who landed in the Indonesia Jakarta Mission, last Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2014.  Has been there one week ago yesterday!  He is a computer expert, and we miss him when we have a computer problem.  He also has a beautiful bass voice.

This is Anita's youngest, David, around 10 years ago.  We couldn't find a recent picture of David, but I'll add one if we can.  He is now a very handsome 16 year old dark haired young man!  He loves sports and computer games.

If I had waited 15 minutes I'd have had this in at first!  Anita just sent this recent picture of David!  I decided to leave the cute picture above in also!

Five sisters, taken Sept. 20, 2014, left to right, Delsy, Anita, Angela, Tacy, and Pamela.  Taken at our family reunion for my 80th birthday (2 weeks early)

A recent picture of Anita, in about June, 2014.


Unknown said…
I like her Brady Bunch look with curls :)

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