I decided today to put in my blog, the counsel I wrote to my posterity when we wrote our family book in 2006, with some minor changes.  We had our Golden Wedding the year before, and were working on what became a 635 page hard bound book of our lives, and some of our ancestors and posterity.  The book referred to was given to each of our children and grandchildren. 

 So here it is: -----

It seems strange to be thinking of thoughts to leave to my posterity, as I feel I still have ten or so more years to live. If I can live to the age my mother did, almost 91, and longer, I plan to do as much genealogy as I can, and try to be a help to my family, and others as much as I can. 

This was taken just before we left on our mission to Sweden, in 1994.  Top row, L to R: McKay, Allen, Anita, Delsy, Wayne M., and Wayne and me.  Front row: Jeremy, Pamela, Tacy, and Angela.

There are many things I would encourage my posterity to do. I say “posterity”, because many of you who read this will not have known me very well, and perhaps I will be gone when you read this. It has been a labor of love to write this book, hoping that hearing about some of the trials and challenges we have had to go through will be a strength to you, and help you cope with your own sets of problems. I have received so much strength, and desire to make my life count for something good. Reading many stories of my parents and ancestors, who went through many struggles that were different from mine, gives me courage. To know what has gone on before, gives us strength to face our own challenges.

Each generation is so different, and the challenges are getting more graphic and intense every day. This generation that is young, and perhaps your children, are facing the most evil that has been on the earth yetThe evils of pornography, drug abuse, and moral decay are so rampant, and talked about openly in the media. Things that were hush-hush in my growing up days, are discussed openly, without seeming embarrassment. The genteel, refined way of life that I grew up with, is harder and harder to pass on to our children, because of the constant bombardment from the world. Everything is so open these days, that you can’t lead a “sheltered life” anymore.

This was taken 9 years ago, on Wayne's 75th birthday, Sept. 18, 2005.

There is something to be said for a “sheltered life”, as you don’t even realize many evils that have actually gone on for centuries, but were talked about only in closets. Now, no-one is exempt from hearing things you don’t want to hear, and don’t want your children to hear, or to experience. We pray constantly for our children, and grandchildren, that you will have the strength to resist evil, and make your lives decent and honorable. 

I truly believe we have been blessed with a “numerous posterity of noble men and women”. You were held in the pre-existence for this time, and you DO have the character and strength to withstand the “fiery darts of the devil”, which are all around us. Due to many parts of your various Patriarchal Blessings, we feel that many of you will be living when Jesus Christ comes in His Second Coming.

There will be much destruction in the world at that time, and prior to that time, and I encourage you to be faithful, and have courage, and don’t get discouraged. Those things must come to pass before the wonderful era of the Millennium can come. The wicked need to be allowed to bring themselves to destruction.

I won’t encourage any of you to belong to any particular political party, or try to tell you how to vote. Personally, Wayne and I vote split ticket almost every election. We don’t consider ourselves either Democrat or Republican. I only want you to be a very interested and active citizen, and uphold good laws, and politicians, and VOTE. Many times we don’t know what is taking place behind the scenes, and we must have faith that whatever happens, that eventual good will come of it. Because THE LORD IS IN CONTROL. We just need to have faith, and follow the prophets. They will never lead us wrong. I TRULY BELIEVE THAT.

I want you all to know, we pray for each of you every day, and when we are aware of problems you may have, we put your names on the Temple Prayer Roll. You can do the same. We hope you remember to have your own private and family prayers, and teach your children to pray. When truly difficult times come, prayer will be the best source for comfort, and help. PRAYERS ARE ANSWERED ! This I know. I say little prayers throughout each day, pertaining to whatever I am doing. I encourage each of you to prayerfully analyze your own lives, and you will know deep down if you are living as Heavenly Father wants you to live.

 If you find areas you know you need to repent of, please have the faith and courage to DO IT. Make your lives count for something good! Study the scriptures, and writings of the prophets, especially the current prophet, and
apostles. They are inspired to give us counsel for this very day in which we live. I encourage you to take the Church magazines. Subscribe to them, and use them, and have Family Home Evening. Be kind and loving to all members of your immediate family especially. Learn to hold your tongue, and control your anger. Teach your children the Gospel, and to work, and to love each other. All these things will strengthen you when trials come.

This was our family in 2005, taken at our Golden Wedding celebration, Sept. 24, 2005.  L to R: Jeremy, Pamela, Tacy, Angela, McKay, Pal, Wayne, Allen, Anita, Delsy, and Wayne M.

It is also important to stay close to your siblings, and extended family always. I hope and pray that after we are gone, our children, and eventually, grandchildren, will stay close to their own families. Don’t allow grudges to separate you. Learn to forgive, if necessary, and give people second chances.  We all need them. I hope each of you will call each brother and sister on the phone quite often, especially as you get older. The years of raising children are so busy, and each family has its’ problems. But just knowing someone in your family cares, can make the difference from being able to handle a difficult situation, or becoming very discouraged.

 Reach out to others who are not as fortunate as we are. My father, Orson
Pratt Miles, was such a man, noticing and helping people whom others ignored or forgot. As times get harder, you will run across people close, and in far away places, that need help. Be frugal with your own money, so you will have a surplus with which to help others. Learn to live within your financial means, and pay your debts, and be honorable in all your dealings with others. All of these things give you peace of mind, and help you endure your own trials easier, and be in a position to help others, especially your own family.

I truly hope, as I slow down, and eventually go on to the other side, that many of you will take up an interest in genealogy, and finding our ancestors and doing their Temple Work, along with attending the Temple yourselves. As the internet keeps expanding its information, the records of the past will become more and more available, and you will be able to trace lines that are now impossible to trace.

I want to bear my testimony about the most eternal and sublime work of being Saviors on Mount Zion. That is the term for people who do genealogy, and Family History Work, and Temple work. When each of you pass away, and you all will, (even if it is just in the twinkling of an eye in the Millennium), you will have to answer for it, as well as all your life’s experiences. It gives us such a peaceful feeling, and knowledge that what we are doing will have eternal blessings. I hope and pray each one of us will have no eternal regrets.
The sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ makes it possible for each of us to repent, and change. I know we each can do it, if we will. But the gift of agency, (it’s not free), is eternal, and we never can blame anyone else, but eventually must answer for our own life, and the lives of our children whom we must teach right.

This is the home we have lived in for over 12 years, at 351 South 400 East, # 13, in St. George, Utah, 84770.  It is just 2 blocks from the St. George Temple


 I pray you each will seek your own testimony of this, and I say it in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

                                   Paralee Miles Eckman


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