324. Review of Eckman's family events in 2014, and Dear Abby's New Year's Resolutions!

This last year has been quite eventful, as I have become to realize, each year is also!  I wish I had kept a more daily journal.  When we wrote our life stories at our Golden Wedding time, it seemed I didn't need to write more of the happenings of our lives.  It had already happened!  BUT THAT IS NOT TRUE!  Each year brings new joys, and problems. This year was no different.

 Our children and us, left to right, Wayne M., Delsy, Anita, Allen, Wayne, me (Pal), McKay, Angie, Tacy, Pam, and Jeremy. Taken Sept. 20, 2014, at our birthday reunion.

I don't remember details until about March, just Church callings, me accompanying musical numbers, and Wayne as a Temple Ordinance worker..  Our granddaughter Skye had been on a 12 week mini-mission, starting December 18th, 2013, and came home a week in March, went through the Temple, and had her official farewell to go to the Irvine, California mission.  We were up there a week at that time, and were in all those wonderful events.  Soon after we came home, I developed a burning and nausea in my stomach, and after an endoscopy in May, found out I had gastritis.  For around 3 to 5 months, I was quite nauseated, trying out different anti-acid prescriptions, etc. and lost about 13 pounds (which I have started to gain back!)  Many days I just sat in the recliner for hours enduring the nausea.  But thankfully, and with Priesthood blessings, it did finally heal.  That took up quite a bit of the summer.  But the bright spot in the summer was our grandson Jake, (Jacob) who had his farewell, and went to the MTC in Provo, Utah, for 2 months to learn Indonesian, and his leaving to go to Indonesia on his mission.  His brother Ben had been in Taiwan a year, and will come home next July.  We drove up with them, and saw him enter the MTC! and went to the well-known Pie-Shake little restaurant, which was a tradition.

On August 25th, I had a rotator cuff operation, and for several months before that my right arm had been painful, and an MRI showed a completely severed tendon, which was repaired.  I needed to wear a sling for 6 weeks, but during that time, 3 weeks into it, Wayne was in the hospital with pneumonia, and kidney problems for 5 days.  The day after we got out, all our children and many of our grandchildren were here, on Sept. 20, 2014, to celebrate my 80th birthday, which actually was October 6, 2014 -- the day after Conference.  That was truly the highlight of the year.   Also one granddaughter finishing her Master's Degree, and 4 grandchildren graduating from a University, others coming along with their educations, and/or working hard.  

 Another highlight in December was riding up to Bountiful, staying 2 nights with our son Wayne M, who is in the Tabernacle Choir, and attending the Christmas Concert there, with the Muppets in it!  Many more fun events happened but right now I can't remember specifics.  I have enjoyed writing this blog, and it has given me something to do and think about, especially when I wasn't feeling too good.  I have been thrilled with noticing people from all over the world reading my blog, and I hope in some way it has added to your enjoyment of life, and strengthened you some way, and inspired you.  

Now I'll finish with some interesting thoughts from Dear Abby, which I read in our daily newspaper today.  Sometimes I don't agree with her thoughts, but these are really worthwhile. -------------

  Dear Readers: Welcome to 2015! If the last year was challenging for some of us, a new one has arrived, bringing with it our chance for a new beginning. 
Today is the day we have an opportunity to discard destructive old habits for healthy new ones, and with that in mind, I will share Dear Abby’s often-requested list of New Year’s Resolutions, which were adapted by my late mother, Pauline Phillips, from the original credo of Al-Anon: Just For Today: I will live through this day only. I will not brood about yesterday or obsess about tomorrow. I will not set far reaching goals or try to overcome all of my problems at once. 
I know that I can do something for 24 hours that would overwhelm me if I had to keep it up for a lifetime.
Just For Today: I will be happy. I will not dwell on thoughts that depress me. If my mind fills with clouds, I will chase them away and fill it with sunshine.
Just For Today: I will accept what is. I will face reality. I will correct those things that I can correct and accept those I cannot/ 
Just For Today: I will improve my mind. I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration. I will not be a mental loafer.
Just For Today: I will make a conscious effort to be agreeable. I will be kind and courteous to those who cross my path, and I’ll not speak ill of others. I will improve my appearance, speak softly, and not interrupt when someone else is talking.

Just For Today: I will refrain from improving anybody but myself.

Just For Today: I will do something positive to improve my health. If I’m a smoker, I’ll quit. If I am overweight, I will eat healthfully — if only just for today. And not only that, I will get off the couch and take a brisk walk, even if it’s only around the block.

Just For Today: I will gather the courage to do what is right and take responsibility for my own actions.

Just For Today: I will refrain from improving anybody but myself.
Just For Today: I will do something positive to improve my health. If I’m a smoker, I’ll quit. If I am overweight, I will eat healthfully — if only just for today. And not only that, I will get off the couch and take a brisk walk, even if it’s only around the block.
Just For Today: I will gather the courage to do what is right and take responsibility for my own actions.



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