379. President Thomas S. Monson's home, and Homes of Other Latter-day Prophets

This is very interesting, the homes of President Thomas S. Monson, and other Latter-day Prophets. 

 Go to www.moroni10.com  -- for some interesting things.  Then go to:


to see homes of the various prophets, and a short article about them.

You need to click on the photos of different prophets, and it shows you their houses at different times.  Some were quite ordinary and humble.

See What President Monson's House Looks Like (+The Homes of Other Latter-day Prophets)


 From Joseph Smith to Thomas S. Monson, check out the humbling photos of homes of the prophets.

Thanks to LDS Media Talk for pointing out this amazing page!

This page has pictures of some of the houses, apartments and dwellings of all the prophets of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Just click on the name of each Mormon Church President and you'll see the photos of their homes, along with some historical facts about each LDS prophet.

Houses of Thomas S. Monson:

The pictures are of the house and apartment that Thomas S. Monson has lived in since his calling as an Apostle and then as Prophet. Thomas Monson has served in the U.S. Naval Reserves during WWII. He earned a Bachelor's Degree in Business Management from the University of Utah and a MBA from BYU. During his professional career he's worked as a college professor, a newspaper printer, an advertising sales rep for a newspaper, and was the general manager for the Deseret News Press. He has also served as President of the Printing Industry of Utah and a board member of the Printing Industries of America. From 1981-1982, Thomas Monson was appointed by U.S. President Ronald Reagan to the President's Task Force of for Private Sector Initiatives. He was ordained an Apostle on October 10, 1963, and became Church President in January 2008.
Since his calling to be Church President, Thomas Monson primarily lives in a suite in this apartment building which is owned by the LDS Church. It is located across the street from the Church Office Building so it makes for an easy commute. He still owns and still spends time at his home pictured above.

Read the rest of this story at moroni10.com


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