457. A Letter in Memory of Boyd K. Packer, by Scot Proctor, editor of Meridian Magazine. His memories --


Dear President Packer,
Though you passed from this life just three days ago, I already miss you and want to thank you for the influence you have had on my life. I am writing you this personal note to thank you specifically for something I recently experienced.
About eighteen months ago I had the impression that I should study your words and to begin with your first talk as an apostle and then carefully read and ponder every talk you have given in General Conference for the past 45 years. I started in 1970 and made my way through each and every published talk until your last conference address. This was a delightful and amazing experience. I loved re-reading all these talks and immersing myself in your teachings, your stories, your insights and your testimony.
I want to tell you what a blessing you have been in my life and how consistent and powerful your influence has been on me. Though I was only a deacon when you were called into the Twelve, your words have sunk deeply into my heart over your long ministry—from the very beginning. It was amazing as I studied these many talks that there were only about four or five that I did not remember. I have read and re-read The Power of the Priesthood a dozen times. I remember so well The Weak and the Simple of the Church as that spoke to me as a lay member. I appreciated so much your talk The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. I was so aided by Personal Revelation: The Gift, the Test, and the Promise. Many of these talks gave me permission and encouragement, as a lay member, to dive deeper and deeper into gospel study and meditation. I have read and studied The Father and the Family many times. My wife and I have eleven children and your counsel has been so important to me. Who could forget the Balm of Gilead? This talk was so comforting. I can still hear your voice ringing perfectly in my mind saying:
“One night a knock came at his door. A little girl said simply, ‘Daddy wants you to come over. He wants to talk to you.’ ‘Daddy’ was the stake president. A grieving, heartbroken young man went to see his spiritual leader. This spiritual shepherd had been watching his flock and had something to say to him. The counsel from that wise servant was simply, ‘John, leave it alone. Nothing you can do about it will bring her back. Anything you do will make it worse. John, leave it alone.’” I loved that.
I, of course, loved your talk so much in October 1982 called Scriptures. That was when you told us all about the coming forth of the new editions of the scriptures. I loved your insights. I have always loved your tremendous regard for the history of the Church. I love your sense of heritage, whether it be for your Brigham City background or your spiritual roots to Nauvoo and Palmyra. This foundation inside of you has undergirded all you have taught us over the years. It has been and will always be an anchor to me.
I loved your Tribute to the Rank and File of the Church and felt your love for us who are just the regular vineyard laborers. I have never forgotten The Mediator. You gave that while I was serving my mission in Germany and I used it many times to try to teach our few investigators about the Atonement. That parable, once read, never leaves a person’s mind or heart. Thank you for that talk!
“The Mediator”:
Of course, no youth can forget Spiritual Crocodiles. We have been to Africa many times since–one of our daughters served her mission in South Africa and when we picked her up we visited Krueger National Park—I thought about your talk there–and currently our youngest daughter is serving in Zambia. Thank you for that amazing talk. It left an indelible impression on my soul. I am so grateful that you never spoke with a sense of apology. I’ve always admired your boldness and your pure assurance. Thank you for the hundreds of testimonies you have borne over the years. They have blessed me very personally.
“Spiritual Crocodiles”:
Thank you so much for a lifetime of service. Thank you for the books you have written. I read Teach Ye Diligently many times. Thank you for writing The Holy Temple. I’ve used it in my teaching and in my studies. Thank you for your dear family. We were blessed by having Allan in our Stake Presidency there in the Cottonwood Creek Stake. We recently met your son, Kenneth, at the Monte Bean Museum when we did a story on the re-opening (and on your amazing display) for Meridian Magazine. I’m so glad your wonderful art pieces will be in that museum for generations to enjoy. Thank you, truly, for being that watchman on the tower.
I want to end by relating one personal story that you will likely not remember but has been a blessing in my life, but, now that you are in the Spirit World, you will perfectly recall this. Maurine and I lived in the Washington, D.C. area for 11 years (2000-2011) and you came and visited our Annandale Virginia Stake. During the priesthood leadership session of that weekend you basically opened up the entire time to questions.
After a few questions had been asked and answered, one brother you called on stood up and, with a bit of a doubtful tone in his voice, asked you the following: “What does it really mean to be a ‘special witness’ of the Lord Jesus Christ?” At that very moment, the Spirit whispered to me that I would be called upon to answer that question. Within a second or two of that prompting you looked out at the assemblage of priesthood leaders and said, “Who will answer that question?”
I was temporarily stunned and thought that perhaps I should defer to some other leader in the stake to answer. There was silence and no hands went up. I raised my hand and you called on me, “Go ahead, brother. Stand up.” Fortunately I was very familiar with your own words over the years and I said, paraphrasing your own witness, “During the days of Jesus’ ministry on the earth he worked with his twelve apostles and knew them and was known of them as one man knows his friends. It is no different today.” You said, “You are exactly correct. Next question.” Perhaps others have forgotten that experience. I never will.
I give you my personal witness and testimony, borne of the Spirit many times, that you are a prophet of God. I have been deeply and richly blessed by your words and your teachings my entire life. Thank you, President Packer, for all you have done, all you do and all you will yet do in the Spirit World to move this work forward. My wife and I love you and Donna and will be forever grateful to you.
With love and gratitude,
Scot Facer Proctor
Editor’s note: A more detailed and personalized copy of this letter (without reference to the Spirit World) was delivered to President Boyd K. Packer in August, 2014, to which he graciously responded with love and appreciation.


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