465. How to Tackle Life Transitions -- some changes coming in your life? Great suggestions! From Mormon Channel Blog.

Are you facing a transition in life?  A new job, coming home from a mission, marriage, divorce, loss of a loved one, moving and many other changes in life can be almost overwhelming.  Here are great suggestions on how to face them with faith and courage.


Adjusting to Change: How to Tackle Life Transitions

July 9, 2015

Whether you are off to college, starting a new job, becoming a parent, or facing another kind of major life change, you may feel as stressed as you feel excited. Change is emotional. Change is also inevitable in this life.

That should not make us feel afraid; we must keep moving. We must always be learning, growing, and progressing in this life in order to earn eternal life in the future.

Below are five steps to seeing your life transitions as opportunities to grow.

Step 1: Willingly accept the change.

The quickest way to make any transition harder is to resist it rather than accept it. Usually, you can’t prevent or stop change. Embracing a change that comes your way is the first and most important step in effectively dealing with that change and moving forward. It can be challenging for everyone, but acceptance will help you look to the future with positivity.

Step 2: Take time for self-reflection.

Once you have accepted the change, take a moment to ponder. Consider the situation, how you are feeling about it, and how you envision yourself tackling this transition. Sort through your thoughts as you write in your journal or go for a walk. Think back on times in the past when you faced similar changes. What worked about the way you handled them? What do you think you should do differently?

Step 3: Go forward with confidence, one day at a time.

It is OK to feel overwhelmed. Take it one day at a time. Set small, realistic goals to accomplish every day. Meeting those goals will assist you in slowly but surely moving forward.

Step 4: Faithfully pray for God’s help and guidance.

It is easiest to move forward with confidence and not feel overwhelmed by putting your faith in God and asking for His help and guidance through meaningful prayer. God will not let you endure changes and challenges that you are incapable of handling, and He is with you to provide peace, guidance, and love. Go to Him whenever and for whatever you need. Rely on His strength. You never have to face life alone because God is always there—He is just a prayer away.

Step 5: Surround yourself with a loving support system.

Positivity is the key to surviving change. When you shift your mindset from negative to positive, you will realize you have the power to turn what were roadblocks into learning opportunities. Surround yourself with a support system that will help you remember this. Family and friends can be an incredible source of strength. Ask for their help.

As children of Heavenly Father, our ultimate goal should be to live with Him again. The changes we will each face as we make our way through this life will help us achieve that goal if we face them with faith.


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