540. Good News! My husband Wayne's cancer is gone, thanks to radiation! Modern medicine is great!

Some family news!  I haven't written for a few days.  Many things have been on our minds.  We watched the news so much over the weekend, because of the terrible attacks that were in Paris, France.  Time will tell what that will lead to.  We pray for the many people who are grieving at this time.

This morning, Monday, Nov. 16th, 2015, Wayne had another endoscopy.  It was to see how well the radiation had reduced the cancer in his esophagus.  The doctor said they couldn't see any at all, but they did some biopsies and we will hear the results of that in a day or two.  Our daughters Anita and Delsy each brought one of their sons, and together with Wayne and me, we played 6 handed Rook, Wayne's favorite game!  He won also!  They wanted to help celebrate the good news, but we'll feel better after we hear about the biopsies and hope they don't show any residual cancer.  But we do know that he is so much better than he was about the beginning of September.

This is one of the pictures Wayne sent me when we were writing letters when he was in the Army, 1954.

But he has had so much trouble swallowing.   He is very glad that they were able to stretch the place down his esophagus that was too small, and he can swallow much better!  He was cutting a pill the size of a normal aspirin in 4 pieces, and then gagging as he tried to swallow them with water.  Today after the procedure, he could swallow the whole pill!  He is looking forward to Thanksgiving dinner, and being able to eat it easily!  Modern medicine is such a blessing to all of us.  Both of us wouldn't have been alive 100 years ago at this age, with the ailments we have had during our lives.  Wayne has had diverticulitis, prostate cancer, a hip replacement, a couple of hernias, open heart surgery, pneumonia 3 or 4 times, and other times in the hospital with fluid in his lungs and around his heard.  And he has been on dialysis over 6 months.

This is Wayne and me, when we had our 50th wedding anniversary, 10 years ago. 

This is just a bit if family news and an update on what has been happening here!  We enjoy family dinners each Sunday, and time with the family then.


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