560. Happy 210th Birthday to the Prophet Joseph Smith! Reposted from last year.

I have loved the Prophet Joseph Smith, and learning about him as long as I can consciously remember!  I was born of goodly parents who also loved him and taught me of him.  I love to read of his life and teachings.  I know that he is a true prophet!  This same entry was posted on his birthday since I started this post in 2013 (with alterations each year).  I hope you enjoy reading it! 
(in 2014) I hope whoever reads this has a few minutes to ponder these testimonies about the Prophet Joseph Smith, whose birthday is today.  Part of these words were written last year on this day, and probably will again next year!
  It is actually impossible to even understand how much the Prophet Joseph Smith has done for all of us, and this world.  It will last through the Millenium and to the end of the world.  The Gospel he restored is the same Gospel Adam had. Abraham, Moses, and Jesus Christ had it also, with the same Holy Priesthood!  Any man who has received the Melchizedek Priesthood can trace his authority back to Jesus Christ.         

The Prophet Joseph Smith was born 210 years ago today, December 23, 1805,  and he was killed on June 27th, 1844, at age 38 and 1/2 years.  He never denied any of his testimony, and died a martyr.

 A Painting of the Prophet Joseph Smith (sorry I couldn't find who painted it.)

The following was written by Elder John Taylor of the Council of the Twelve  after the Prophet Joseph Smith's death,  He was one who was with the Prophet Joseph when he was killed.  He later became the 4th President, (and prophet) of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  It is in the Doctrine and Covenants Section 135: verse 3.

 "Joseph Smith, thProphet and Seer of the Lord, has done more, save Jesus only, for the salvation of men in this world, than any other man that ever lived in it. In the short space of twenty years, he has brought forth the Book of Mormon, which he translated by the gift and power of God, and has been the means of publishing it on two continents; has sent the fullness of the everlasting gospel, which it contained, to the four quarters of the earth; has brought forth the revelations and commandments which compose this book of Doctrine and Covenants, and many other wise documents and instructions for the benefit of the children of men; gathered many thousands of the Latter-day Saints, founded a great city, and left a fame and name that cannot be slain. He lived great, and he died great in the eyes of God and his people; and like most of the Lord’s anointed in ancient times, has sealed his mission and his works with his own blood; and so has his brother Hyrum. In life they were not divided, and in death they were not separated!"  Doctrine and Covenants Section 135, verse 3.

   (Pal)    I can't remember a time I haven't known that the Prophet Joseph Smith is a true prophet, and I love to study his life.  I was taught all my life from parents who had this same testimony. I have read many books about his life, and I'm fascinated by the many things he accomplished, and also the truths he helped restore as an instrument in the Lord's hands. 

 The Gospel is a perfect way to live, if it is truly lived as Jesus, through the Prophet Joseph Smith taught.  The way we treat our fellowmen, the way we serve in this life, and care for each other, and our ancestors, all are so profound and true, and it is so soul-satisfying to try and live it.  


Paralee Miles Eckman , written December 23, 2013, and re-confirmed December 23, 2015! 

 I will post the testimonies of my parents here also.  They were stalwarts, and both came from early pioneer ancestry.  Between my husband Wayne D Eckman and I, we had 19 direct ancestors who knew and loved the Prophet Joseph Smith, and believed the TRUTH!  At least 2 of them were baptized by the Prophet Joseph Smith, and one,John Lowe Butler, was a bodyguard to the Prophet, and rode with the group that silently rode to Carthage.  The Prophet Joseph sent quite a few back after they got there, (including my great great grandfather Butler) and only 3 others stayed with him, but they all were willing to die for him, such was their trust and love for him.

   This first story was written by my mother Ruth.

 The Solemn Assembly in 1976 in the St. George Temple.  (Mother, Ruth, was at this Solemn Assembly, and below is what she wrote in her personal journal.)

 The Rededication was by Spencer W. Kimball  

     I think it most fitting that I finish my personal history with the most sacred and most inspiring experience of my life -- My attendance at the St.  George Temple Solemn Assembly.  Surely I will never be nearer heaven in this life than I was in 1976 when I was invited (because I was then working at the stake check out desk in the Temple)  to attend this most sacred meeting, that was held at that time for all people who regularly worked, by special calling, in the Temple.

     It was a beautiful spring morning.  I arrived early but even so there was a long line ahead of me on the last walks to the Temple.  We were to enter through the large east doors, which are never opened on any other occasion except on solemn assemblies.  (And  I am told will remain so until the Savior comes.)  Be that as it may, going through these doors added, to me and I'm sure to all, to the quiet sacredness of the occasion.  Even during the half hour or so of waiting outside the Temple, conversation was limited to the essentials and then that in quiet whispers.

     Finally the doors were opened, both at once, and the two lines began moving slowly and solemnly forward.  When inside we walked silently up the circular stairs to the top most room of the  Temple.  It is for the most part still unfinished, at least there is no covering of any kind on the floors.  The elevated seats on both the east and the west which are labeled for the different Priesthood organizations are painted white trimmed with gold.

     The audience quietly seated themselves in the body of the hall.  On the south side was seated the choir humming very softly and then after all were seated they sang just as softly.  They were as I said seated in the extreme south, but the music I heard came, it seemed, from the ceiling.  The softest most beautiful harmony I've ever heard.  I wondered then and I still wonder if what I heard that seemed to come from above me was due to unusual acoustics or if I actually heard heavenly voices which were permitted to join the choir.  It doesn't matter which it was.  It touched my soul so deeply that I've never thought of it since without a deep feeling, (I don't know how to describe it -- words are not adequate) of reverence, and a hope that sometime somewhere my voice may be one in such a group.

                   President Spencer W. Kimball, showing the microphone he used after surgery on his throat.

     Soon President Kimball, the 12 apostles, and many other General Authorities, came in from the elevator on the north side, and solemnly and quietly took their places on the seats (elevated in tiers so that we could see each one).  Then came President Kimball's greeting.  He gave a sincere greeting to all there and then said something very much like,

 "And I want to give a special welcome to our hundreds of unseen guests whom God has permitted to be here today.  I would mention the men who worked building this Temple -- those who made supreme sacrifices for the same -- many who have spent years as ordinance workers here and others who have faithfully come here to redeem their dead.  Many many of them are here with us at this moment. And last and most importantly I'm happy to tell you The Savior is with us today!"  
I have wondered if President Kimball actually saw these multitudes as he spoke (His eyes did glance upward and around, it seemed, above our heads) or if he was in such spiritual harmony that he just knew.  It doesn't matter to me.  I know he spoke the truth.  That day in the Temple I felt my mother's presence near me and my thoughts turned to Pratt.  Were they both permitted to be there for a few minutes that day? 

     The rest of the assembly I will not try to describe but again I'll say, I am so thankful for this opportunity.  Surely I'll never be closer to heaven in this life.  If this is indicative of what heaven is like, it's worth a lifetime of struggle to be worthy to enjoy such blessings hereafter.  I know this with all my heart, might, mind and strength. " 

Mother wrote her testimony later:  (Before writing this she had spend some years in Panguitch caring for her oldest brother, Earl, who had dementia.)

"I intended to spend the rest of my life in the Temple.  This I have done as much as I can.  My walking isn't too good and I sometimes have to be taken in a car.  I am now 85 years old.

I want you all to know, that I know the Gospel is true.  I know, that I know, that I know it is true, and I know that my Heavenly Father, knows that I know it is true.  That Joseph Smith Jr. is a true prophet of God to bring the dispensation, and that all the prophets since him were true prophets and leave you this testimony and do it with all the love of my heart for my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren or anyone who happens to read this.   (This is the way she wrote it -- she underlined it herself.)

God bless you all.  I love you all individually and collectively.  Grandma Miles " (Ruth Allen Miles.)  A photo of my parents is below.

   This testimony was written by my father, Orson Pratt Miles:

"Now that Dad is older and almost seventy years old, (I believe this was hand written by him in about 1960--He always called himself "Dad" when he was talking about himself to us:) I look back on life and see that it consists of a bundle of experiences, which are both good and evil mixed up together.  And now I know for sure that only the good we do makes us happy and thankful, and the evil things give us sorrow and regrets.   Now I know for sure that the Lord places us here to be tried and tested to see who we will serve.  Happy is the man or woman who truly repents while in this life and lives the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and makes it the first thing in life.
 I am thankful for my testimony of the Gospel above all else, for I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior of all who come into this world and through His name only can we be saved in the Kingdom of God.  I know that Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God and that through him the Gospel has been restored to this earth in its fullness in these last days, and this is the greatest blessing one can have while here upon this earth.
             Orson Pratt Miles, St. George, Utah."
(This is handwritten by Pratt in a journal in my possession, Paralee Miles Eckman, his oldest daughter) 


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