608. Jesus Christ' Resurrection. "He is known by oh so many names, but He's not forgotten yours!" from "The Garden"

Happy Easter, all you dear friends all over the world.  I haven't written for a week, and I want to write some of my thoughts today.   Yesterday my daughter Anita, and I went to a local performance of "The Garden", by Micheal McLean and Bryce Neubert.  It brought tears to my eyes.  It is such beautiful music written about Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane.  The line I like the best is "He is known by oh so many names.  But He's not forgotten yours!"  That really touched my heart.  If you have time, I'm sure many of the beautiful songs from "The Garden" are on you tube.  You could listen to them!

This beautiful painting was by Minerva Teichert, Jesus and the black sheep.

Five weeks ago early this morning my dear husband passed away, and I imagine by now has met our Savior, and felt His love.  I felt His love in that beautiful performance.  I haven't been able to actually cry much since Wayne passed away.  I was worrying about my ability to actually "feel" and I said a small prayer that I would be able to feel the beautiful message.  That prayer was answered.  

I don't think it is possible to truly understand what Jesus Christ suffered!

  We went twice this last week to Cedar City, where my grandson Ben had the tenor lead in the modern opera "Little Women".  It was really enjoyable.  I've also been to an institute class, our Relief Society Dinner, taken a friend in a wheelchair to our university's art exhibit, etc.  It's been a busy week.

 In the last 5 weeks, life has been too busy. With all the financial arrangements to take care of, thank you notes to write, some of Wayne's things to either give away, give to the Deseret Industries, or throw away, etc. I have been in a sort of cloud.  Perhaps any of you reading this have had the same experience.  I had planned to go back to the Family History Center and be a volunteer for two 4 hour shifts each week.  But I found they only need people here who can do the whole 4 shifts each week, and be a part time Church Service missionary.  I don't feel like making that commitment at this time, so now I wonder what project to really take on.  I like to feel useful, and that was somewhat of a let-down.

The beautiful Women's Conference last night gave me several ideas, as it was all about giving service to those around us and also, to those outside our family circles who need friends.  I'd like to do that, and in order to do it, I need to get my mind off myself, and what has been happening in my own life.  I'm sure Wayne is doing so much service.  I can picture him and his twin brother Blaine doing missionary work 24 hours a day!  (I think we don't need sleep there ?)  Wayne so loved missionary work!  I want to be worthy to be where he is, and each of us must endure to the end of our lives in faith, hope, and charity. 

Our wedding, Sept. 24, 1955, in the St. George Temple.

I miss many of the small things Wayne and I did together.  We would sit each night and watch "Wheel of Fortune", holding hands, and then read the scriptures, often something out of the Ensign magazine, etc.  We held hands often, in Church, etc.  Even though we had quite different interests in hobbies, we truly thought alike.  We agreed on so many things, from testimonies of our Savior and the Gospel, to even what color we wanted for new carpet.  We didn't have arguments, and he never complained about what I fixed for meals, etc.  He really was so congenial in every way. 
Our first Christmas together, 1995, after Wayne had just started college.

In my Patriarchal blessing it says:  "In accepting your companion for life, be cautious and prayerful and you will be led to one with whom you will live congenially and with whom your joys and your sorrows will be shared mutually."  That has truly been fulfilled!  In Wayne's blessing it says:  "You shall live upon the earth to fully complete your mission and to serve in righteousness."  That also has truly been fulfilled!  Aren't we grateful for Patriarchal Blessings! ! !   

One of our most choice experiences was going to Sweden on a mission together in May 1994, to October 1995.  

I believe for the next few blogs, I will include many pictures, so our posterity will always be able to find them in the future.  It is so important to REMEMBER! 



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