631. 10 Crucial Questions Every Mormon Should Ask Their Fiance Before Marriage


10 Crucial Questions Every Mormon Should Ask Their Fiance Before Marriage

By LDS Living, May 3, 2016
Makes You Think, Mormon Life.

Wedding season is here. The weather is warming up and the invitations are increasing. And while this is a great time to excitedly anticipate starting a new family, it's also a crucial time for you to keep building a strong foundation for that family.

It's important for all Latter-day Saints in a relationship, whether you are just dating or engaged or already married, to sit down and have crucial conversations to help avoid struggles in the future.

A recent article posted by the New York Times prompted the Mormon Channel to create a podcast listing 10 questions all Mormons should ask before marriage. For more discussion on these questions and why they are important, be sure to listen to the podcast here.

1. How did your family deal with arguments?

2. Will we have children? How many? When?

3. Will experiences with past relationships help or hinder your current relationship?

4. How devoted are you to your faith?

5,  How much debt are you in?

6. What hobbies do you have that you prefer to do alone?

7. How do you show me that you love me?  Do you like the ways I show you that I love you?

8. What do you admire about me and what are your pet peeves?

9. How much time do we want to spend with each other's family?

10. Where do you see us in ten years?


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