666. Our Mortal Life, and keeping our Second Estate!

These are beautiful quotes which are really inspiring.  When we are young, we don't often think about the Spirit World, and life after this mortal life.  I'll admit I think of it much more since my dear husband passed away, and I am getting on in years!  It truly is important to live our lives here in a way that we can have a glorious resurrection, without a lot of regrets!

Wayne is 2nd from the right on the front row.  In this group are several who have already passed away -- bishops, and other wonderful leaders.  I imagine at that age they didn't think 60 years ahead!
July 11, 2016
Mortal Life
Doctrine & Covenants 138:14

"All these had departed the mortal life, firm in the hope of a glorious resurrection, through the grace of God the Father and his Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ."


Heber J. Grant

"We of this Church have been told of the Lord that before we came to this earth we had a life running back to the remotest stretches of eternity; that as spirits we lived out an existence before we came here, in which we prepared ourselves for life on the earth; that then, having kept our first estate, we came to this earth to obtain knowledge, wisdom, and experience, to learn the lessons, suffer the pains, endure the temptations, and gain the victories of mortality; that when our mortal bodies give up life, our spirits return to take up again the spirit life which we left to come to earth life, and we thereafter go on, building upon the achievements of our first spirit-life, our first estate, and of our mortal life, or second estate, progressing through the endless eternities that follow, until we reach the goal the Lord set: 'Be ye perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect'." (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Heber J. Grant, p. 49).


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