678. 100 LDS Journal Starters For When You Don't Feel Like Writing

This article on writing a journal was posted  2 years ago today as blog entry # 204.   

.  I need this advice myself!  This last weekend we had a 
wonderful weekend, with our grandson coming home from 
his mission, and his brother getting married the next day in
the Payson Temple.  Then Jake's missionary homecoming
yesterday.  I'll write about it in a day or two when I can get
pictures ready.  It has been such a spiritual lift!

204. 100 LDS Journal starters for when you don't feel like writing -- from LDS Living. Great ideas!

Two days ago, I noticed a great article on ideas of what to write about in your journal, a blog, or whatever.  I'll probably use some of these ideas now and then when I run out of ideas or other things to share.  

I encourage any of you to write a journal, write your life story, etc., and especially to write about your ancestors, and collect their histories.  The longer you wait, the older generation will no longer be with us to give us their insights and memories of the past.

100 LDS Journal Starters For When You Don't Feel Like Writing


So you want to write about your faith—maybe you have an LDS blog, maybe you’re keeping a journal, or maybe it’s something else entirely. If you're struggling with what to write about and want to keep it faith-focused, start with these 100 ideas!
100 LDS Blog and Journal Starters
President Wilford Woodruff is well known for his meticulous journaling habits, and he often taught that it's something we all should do. 
It may be considered by some not important to write or keep a record of our work or the work of God, but I believe it is. Otherwise the prophets would not have been moved upon to exhort us to faithfulness upon this subject. The Lord has told us that what we seal on earth shall be sealed in heaven and what we record on earth shall be recorded in heaven, and what is not sealed or recorded on earth is not sealed or recorded in heaven [see D&C 128:7–8]. Therefore it appears to be very important that we do keep a true and faithful record in all things.
Some say [journal keeping] is a great deal of trouble. But we should not call anything trouble which brings to pass good. I consider that portion of my life which has been spent in keeping journals and writing history to have been very profitably spent.
(Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Wilford Woodruff, [2011], Ch. 13: Journals: "Of Far More Worth Than Gold", 125-33) 
There are so many ways to share your life's story through blogging or personal journals. If you're facing writer's block, take any one of these writing prompts and let the creativity flow!
  1. Tell your conversion story.
  2. Write about your (or your child's, spouse’s, sibling’s, etc.) baptism.
  3. Share your testimony.
  4. Write about a time when you felt very close to the Lord.
  5. Explain an instance where you saw the Lord's hand at work in your life.
  6. Give ideas--for service, for FHE lessons, for youth activities, for whatever you have ideas for!
  7. Share personal insights into your favorite quote or conference talk.
  8. Share your favorite scripture story and explain why you like it. 
  9. Share your favorite Bible verse and explain why you like it.
  10. Share your favorite Book of Mormon verse and explain why you like it.
100 LDS Blog and Journal Starters
  1. Talk about what happened today in your life and focus on things you're thankful for. 
  2. Share a story from your family history. 
  3. Write about your perspective on a current event. (Check out our Mormon Report to see what's going on in the LDS world.)
  4. Make a list of everything you're thankful for--count those blessings!
  5. Write about what you learned at Church on Sunday.  
  6. Watch a gospel video and write about its message. 
  7. Talk about your favorite family traditions.
  8. Make a “Mormon Bucket List.”
  9. Pick a favorite temple and explain why you like it.
  10. Write about your first temple experience.
  11. Write about your favorite temple experience.
  12. If you could go anywhere on a mission, where would you go and why?
  13. If you could have any Church calling, which would it be and why?
  14. Write about why you liked your last church calling.
  15. Pray for a missionary experience, then write about the results.
  16. Read a spiritual book and write a review of it. 
  17. What do you think your spiritual gifts are?
  18. What changes are you currently making in your life to be more like Christ?
  19. Check out temples that are going to be dedicated soon. Talk about which you're most excited for. 
  20. Go to a family research center and look for your ancestors. Write about what you find. 
100 LDS Blog and Journal Starters
  1. Share a cool story about one of your ancestors. If you don't know one, do some genealogy and find one!
  2. Write about your favorite missionary dinner (either as a full-time missionary yourself, or when you had the missionaries over to your house). 
  3. Try your hand at drawing a picture of your favorite temple. 
  4. Write out a list of values you want in a spouse, or values you admire in your spouse.
  5. Talk about your favorite hymn; why do you like it? 
  6. Try writing a spiritual poem. (President Monson loves sharing moving poems in his talks!)
  7. Write out your family tree back as far as you can remember. Interview parents and grandparents to fill it out as much as you can. 
  8. Share a story you love about your mom.
  9. Share a story you love about your dad.
  10. Who are your Gospel heroes? Why?
  11. Talk about a positive experience you've had as a result of paying tithing.
  12. Pick a gospel topic (e.g. Joseph Smith's first vision, eternal families, fatih, etc.) and write a Sacarament talk on it. 
  13. Explain your proposal story--or how you will propose or want to be proposed to. Make sure to mention the importance of sealings. 
  14. Write your own version of the Articles of Faith. (Joseph Smith wrote them in answer to an inquiry about what Mormons believe.)
  15. Explain your General Conference traditions. 
  16. Write about your favorite Family Home Evening. 
  17. If you have your patriarchal blessing, which tribe do you belong to? What are you doing to fulfill that tribe's responsibility? (If you don't know what it is, research it!)
  18. Follow the Apostles on Twitter. Write your thoughts about their latest tweets. 
  19. Research what happened on today's date in Church history. Write about the event, and include your thoughts. 
  20. What have you learned as a home or visit teacher?
100 LDS Blog and Journal Starters
  1. What have you learned being home and/or visit taught?
  2. Do you have something that you keep close to remind you of the Savior? A CTR ring or a piece of art, for example? Describe it and what it means to you.
  3. Come up with object lessons for gospel topics (maybe some that you’ve seen before and really liked, or make up your own!)
  4. Write a letter to your future (or current) children, explaining why the gospel is important to you and what you hope they’ll learn about Christ as they grow up.
  5. Tell about a difficult time in your life when you felt heaven’s help.
  6. Describe someone who has been a spiritual hero in your life, and explain why. 
  7. Write about a time when you struggled with a choice and made the right one.
  8. If you could live at any time of Church history, when would it be, and why?
  9. Which person from the Book of Mormon would you most like to meet, and why?
  10. What’s your all-time favorite mutual activity (one you attended, or one you’ve heard about), and why?
  11. Imagine that you could go five years in the past. What would you tell yourself to better prepare for the future?
  12. What do you love most about your ward, and why? 
  13. Write about a positive experience you had visiting a ward other than your own.
  14. Answer one of the questions found on Mormon.org for investigators to read. 
  15. Which Church history site would you most like to visit, and why?
  16. Compile a list of words that describe the Savior, from your own experience.
  17. Which of God’s commandments do you wish that today’s society fully understood and followed? How do you imagine the world would be if it were followed?
  18. Try your hand at writing a hymn!
  19. Which LDS musical artist is your favorite, and why?
  20. Which is your favorite LDS painting, and why?
100 LDS Blog and Journal Starters
  1. If the Savior were to spend a normal day with you and your family, what would you do differently? 
  2. Make a list of gospel questions you’d like answered, and then find scriptures or talks that help answer them.
  3. If you could have a calling you’ve never had before, which would it be, and why?
  4. Describe one of your talents and how you can use it to help build the kingdom of God.
  5. Write about what you think you’ll be like and what you’ll be doing 10 years from now.
  6. Tell about a time when you defended the Church.
  7. Describe a place you love to go to feel close to God.
  8. Describe your best friend and tell about a memory you shared with them. 
  9. Talk about how you know a certain gospel principle to be true.
  10. When did you first know for yourself that the Church is true? Describe the experience.
  11. What do you and your family like to do for fun? Share a favorite memory.
  12. Write about a time when you had difficulty forgiving someone but let go of your anger. How did you feel afterward?
  13. Which of God’s creations is your favorite (place, animal, season, flower, anything!) and why?
  14. Write about how it feels to stand out as a member of the Church. How do people treat you, for example?
  15. If you’ve ever met a general authority or other “famous” LDS person, describe them and what it was like to meet them. If you haven't, describe what you think it would be like.
  16. What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you at Church?
  17. Find a way to provide service for others, then write about it afterwards. 
  18. Make a list of things that your family has taught you.
  19. Describe a Sunday School teacher who made a difference in your life. What did they do that was so special?
  20. If you were interviewed on TV for only two minutes, what would you say to show everyone your love for the Church?
100 LDS Blog and Journal Starters
  1. Tell the story of how your parents met.
  2. Which is your favorite LDS movie, and why?
  3. Read the biography of a prophet, past or present, and write down quotes or insights that inspire you.
  4. If you could have dinner with anyone currently alive, who would it be? What would you talk about? How would you represent your faith?
  5. What is your first memory at a Church event?
  6. What did you do this week that drew you closer to the Savior?
  7. Write a letter to someone who believed in you even when you didn’t believe in yourself.
  8. Describe your first Church dance.
  9. Write about the temple that’s closest to where you live. What is it like? How long does it take you to get there, and what do you see along the way?
  10. Give advice to someone who is new to the Church. What do you wish you’d known when you were younger/a new member?


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