698. This has been a most inspiring Sabbath Day!

This has been a most inspiring Sabbath Day.  Early this morning, I went to a Sacrament Meeting in a town about 20 minutes away, with a young returned missionary with a wonderful bass voice, and his fiance'.  I played the piano while he sang "Savior, Redeemer of My Soul".  The senior couple who also talked have had amazing experiences, being on missions in Mongolia and also the Phillipines, and worked for the Church in Hong Kong, helping get land to build LDS Church buildings in many Far Eastern countries.  They related many exciting and inspirational experiences.  

After the wife spoke, this young man, Caleb, sang his song, and really put a lot of feeling into it.  Then when we sat down, he was wiping tears from his eyes, and his chin was quivering.  I could see that just singing that beautiful song about the Savior had really touched his soul.  And it touched the congregation as well.  Then the husband of the couple spoke, and had some very fascinating stories to tell of experiences on their missions.  And he made one statement I wanted to write down but didn't have something to write with.  He said --  "If anything can go wrong, it will, and usually when you least expect it.  But with the help of our Savior Jesus Christ, we can get through it."  

Right in front of us, on the front row was a woman who was deaf, and sitting next to her was another woman who had a lap top open, and was writing down everything that was said at the pulpit as it was being said.  When the Sacrament prayers were being said, she had a video of a man signing the Sacrament prayers in sign language.  It truly was touching to me.  Our own meetings were very good also, a set of two brothers -- one giving his missionary homecoming talk, and the other younger brother giving his farewell talk to go on a mission.  Then tonight to top it off, I went to a lovely fireside, in which the main part of the program was a wonderful pianist, who gave scriptures and then played beautiful classical pieces, mostly Chopin, that helped portray the scripture he had just given.  

Such a peaceful and wonderful Sabbath.  Here are some more thoughts --- First a short experience my husband Wayne had when he was about 18 years old.  He was "ward teaching" (home teaching now) with his father.  A new young couple had moved into their ward in South Salt Lake.  When they opened the door, the wife's father, Elder Harold B. Lee, then an apostle, was vising his daughter, the wife of the couple.  Wayne's father began saying, "Oh I see you have company.  We can come back later."  Elder Lee said -- "Oh no!  We need to have the lesson first!"  So Wayne's father said "Wayne, give them the lesson!"  So Wayne gave a short lesson to an apostle.  He loved to relate that story!

Latter Day Light

August 16, 2016
Our Time
Helaman 3:35
"Nevertheless they did fast and pray oft, and did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ, unto the filling their souls with joy and consolation, yea, even to the purifying and the sanctification of their hearts, which sanctification cometh because of their yielding their hearts unto God."
Harold B. Lee

Harold B. Lee

"Where else can you go for guidance? Where is there safety in the world today? Safety can't be won by tanks and guns and the airplanes and atomic bombs. There is only one place of safety and that is within the realm of the power of Almighty God that he gives to those who keep his commandments and listen to his voice, as he speaks through the channels that he has ordained for that purpose" ("Closing Remarks," Ensign, January 1974).

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Latter Day Light

August 15, 2016
 It Will Work Out
Doctrine & Covenants 90:24
"Search diligently, pray always, and be believing, and all things shall work together for your good, if ye walk uprightly and remember the covenant wherewith ye have covenanted one with another."

Joseph Fielding Smith

"If we shall search diligently, pray always, be believing, and walk uprightly, we have the Lord's promise that all things shall work together for our good [see D&C 90:24]. This is not a promise that we shall be free from the trials and problems of life, for this probationary state is designed to give us experience and difficult and conflicting situations" 
(Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Fielding Smith, p. 248).


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