710. How Are You Preparing For General Conference? Great ideas from Time Out For Women!

This article printed last March 31, before Conference, gives some great ideas to get the most out of the up-coming Conference.


We don't know about you, but we are really looking forward to General Conference this weekend and gathering together to hear counsel and teachings from our leaders.
We can see all the preparations being made on Temple Square to beautify the grounds for this weekend, and we know that our leaders have been counseling with the Lord and preparing the words that He would have them share with us this weekend, and it got us thinking - with all the preparation that goes into the messages that will be delivered this weekend, how are we preparing to receive them?
So, we thought we'd ask some of our TOFW presenter friends this question -
I have a couple of specific “roadblocks” in my life that have left me unsure of how to press forward. I’m putting both of those on the table and asking Heavenly Father to please help me hear some solutions in what is said in General Conference. I have been particularly drawn lately to a phrase in the scriptures: “with real intent.” It is reminding me that I have to be willing to do what He prompts me to do. It’s a multi-tiered process: (1) having faith that the answers will be there, (2) having “ears to hear” those answers when they come, (3) having strength (with God’s help) to implement those answers as they come to me, and (4) having patience to continue in the path until the way is more clear. I’m so looking forward to the continuation of general conference this weekend and the very tangible opportunity to “ask, seek, and knock.”
Read more reflections on General Conference from Emily here.
Image via @sandradturley on Instagram
(image via @sandradturley on Instagram)
My heart can only hear what it needs during General Conference if my wee ones are successfully busy in their own activities. So today, I printed out activity packets that I found on Pinterest for four children (and an extra packet for myself because I love keeping my hands busy while I listen).General Conference has changed for me in the last two years since I have chosen to take notes. Typing notes on my computer or doodling with pen and paper are my favorites.
I always like getting to know the brothers and sisters who are going to address us a little better. Have you noticed that when you read a book by an author you know you read it differently and get more out of it? You take it more personally. As I find out more about the brothers and sisters who lead us I take their messages more personally. I listen differently. The week before conference I always try to find out something I didn't know before about a few of our church leaders.
For example, I just found out that Elder Rasband was a guide on temple square. My father and mother-in-law served a mission on temple square. Thinking about their experiences there helps me imagine some of the experiences Elder Rasband must have had too. I wonder if the visitors who listened to his testimony had any idea that they were listening to a future apostle. Did you know Elder Stevenson served a mission in Japan? My son served in Kobe a few years ago. I think of the challenge that it was for him to learn the language and it gives me great admiration for Elder Stevenson. He served as the mission president in Nagoya from 2004-2007. I overlapped with him. We were in Chile from 2003-2006. That means we were out there at the same time trying to make a difference. That gives me a way of relating to him and feeling close to him although I don't know him personally. Elder Renlund was a doctor who worked with transplants. Can you imagine the stories he could tell? He served as a young missionary in Sweden. I got to speak at a youth conference in Sweden and fell in love with that place and the members of the church there. If I loved it after only a week, I'm pretty sure that Sweden must fill much of his heart.
Knowing just these simple facts about these three apostles will help me related to them and appreciate their messages and testimonies when they share them this weekend.
My family and I try and prepare for General Conference by reading and studying the previous Conferences talks during our family scripture study.
(image via @jennyoaksbaker on Instagram)
It helps that last week I taught Relief Society with the lesson being based on Elder Neil L. Andersen's talk, Faith is Not By Chance, but By Choice. One of the things that he says is that we can increase our faith, by listening to the words of the General Authorities. So having the opportunity to teach from a conference talk each month prepares me to look forward to what will come for this conference. And, I am preparing myself by clearing my calendar so that I can listen to all of the sessions.
I can hardly wait for Conference. (And just typing that sentence has brought tears.) I'm experiencing happy anticipation, along with some deep hopes that our world can become less dangerous, less hostile. There are so many, many good people, including all of you, and I know we will shine even brighter after Conference. I pray for ALL of us -- that because of the messages and music and the feelings that come in our hearts, we will be better peacemakers, happier examples, and that any heartaches and heavy burdens may be lightened, lessened. I also went to the Temple this morning -- it always helps me when I go to His House and ask for His Help to be ready for what He has inspired our leaders to share with us, to teach us.
And finally, we loved this post that Zandra Vranes posted on Instagram:
"Temple visits are a great way to get into General Conference mode! Seriously #LDSConf is like spiritual-spring-break for the soul and I can't wait for this weekend!"


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