748. 16 Quotes on Gratitude from Each of the Latter-day Prophets, good for Christmas as well as Thanksgiving!

I found this before Thanksgiving, but it is also appropriate for Christmas.  At this time of the year, my heart is filled with gratitude for my many blessings -- my family, friends, having the Gospel in my life, our Savior, Jesus Christ, and living in this beautiful world -- only to start with!  There are so many I can't count!


16 Quotes on Gratitude from Each of the Latter-day


As the seasons of Thanksgiving and Christmas approach, we all remind ourselves to focus a little more on the things that we are blessed with in our lives, instead of complaining. Though not all of these men were president of the Church at the time they said these quotes, their words still ring true as prophetic reminders of how important it is to fill our lives and hearts with gratitude. What are you thankful for? Share it in the comments below!

Joseph Smith

Let us be thankful that it is as well with us as it is, and we are yet alive and peradventure, God hath laid up in store great good for us in this generation, and may grant that we may yet glorify His name.

Brigham Young

The Lord is more merciful than we are; but there may be a termination to His gifts, if we do not receive them with gratitude and take good care of them when we have them in our possession.

John Taylor

If we have life, or health, or possessions; if we have children, and friends and homes, if we have the light of truth, the blessings of the everlasting gospel, the revelations of God, the holy priesthood, with all its blessings and government and rule, all these and every true enjoyment that we possess come from God. We do not always realize this, but it is nevertheless true that to God we are indebted for every good and perfect gift.

Wilford Woodruff

I thank God that I live in this day and age of the world, when my ears have heard the sound of the fulness of the gospel of Christ.

Lorenzo Snow

If a person wants to enjoy the Spirit of the Lord, let him, when something of a very disagreeable nature comes along, think how worse the circumstance might be. . . . Always cultivate a spirit of gratitude. It is actually the duty of every Latter-day Saint to cultivate a spirit of gratitude. 
Quote found on byu.edu

Joseph F. Smith

...the spirit of gratitude is always pleasant and satisfying because it carries with it a sense of helpfulness to others; it begets love and friendship, and engenders divine influence. Gratitude is said to be the memory of the heart. 

Heber J. Grant

There is no feeling that is more Godlike than that feeling of intense gratitude and thanksgiving to God that comes when we realize and feel that God has blessed us.

George Albert Smith

The best evidence of gratitude at this time is to do all we can to bring happiness to this sad world, for we are all our Father’s children, and we are all under the obligation of making this world a happier place for our having lived in it.
Quote given after World War II, recorded in Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: George Albert Smith
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David O. McKay

The young man who closes the door behind him, who draws the curtains, and there in silence pleads with God for help, should first pour out his soul in gratitude for health, for friends, for loved ones, for the gospel, for the manifestations of God's existence. He should first count his many blessings and name them one by one.

Joseph Fielding Smith

One of the greatest sins, both in magnitude and extent … is the sin of ingratitude. When we violate a commandment, no matter how small and insignificant we may think it to be, we show our ingratitude to our Redeemer.
Quoted in the June 2007 Ensign

Harold B. Lee

Today I could desire with all my heart that all within the sound of this broadcast would likewise thank God for one more day! For what? For the opportunity to take care of some unfinished business. To repent; to right some wrongs; to influence for good some wayward child; to reach out to someone who cries for help—in short, to thank God for one more day to prepare to meet God.

Spencer W. Kimball

Thus, my brothers and sisters, there is so much to be grateful for...This partial inventory of our collective blessings should help us to be ever more grateful and ever more determined. Please do the same within your families. Count your blessings, and express your gratitude to your eternal partners, to your children, and to your parents for all that they do.
Quote found in the December 1977 Liahona

Ezra Taft Benson

There is great safety in a nation on its knees.
What assurance it would give of the much-needed blessings of the Lord if the American people, and people everywhere, could all be found daily—night and morning—on their knees expressing gratitude for blessings already received, acknowledging our dependence upon God, and seeking his divine guidance.
Quote from his April 1973 conference talk

Howard W. Hunter

...find time to turn your heart to God. Perhaps in the quiet hours, and in a quiet place, and on your knees—alone or with loved ones—give thanks for the good things that have come to you, and ask that his spirit might dwell in you as you earnestly strive to serve him and keep his commandments. He will take you by the hand and his promises will be kept.
Quote found on byu.edu

Gordon B. Hinckley

Be prayerful. Don’t be ashamed to get on your knees, morning and night, and thank the Lord for His blessings. Pray for His inspiration and direction and help in all that you undertake to do in righteousness.
Quote found on LDS.org

Thomas S. Monson

We can lift ourselves and others as well when we refuse to remain in the realm of negative thought and cultivate within our hearts an attitude of gratitude. If ingratitude be numbered among the serious sins, then gratitude takes its place among the noblest of virtues.


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