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1041. Tempting fate by hanging from a famous rock! It relates to Pres. Nelson's recent message! WORDS TO LIVE BY!

I received this in an e mail from a dear friend.  I thought it was good enough to pass it to you people!  Amazing!

In Brazil, near Rio, people take spectacular pictures tempting fate by hanging from this famous rock.

truth is, the rock is only a few feet above the ground. All that is required is the proper perspective!

Remember this  when you read/view material on the internet. Sometimes, the truth is a lot different than what it appears.

Isn't this a great example of the message from President Russell M. Nelson, to the youth -- and us all -- this last Sunday, June 3, 2018.  A "break from the fake!"   --- FALSE REALITY!

In the worldwide devotional with youth, President Nelson issued five challenges to the youth of the Church. One was to take a week-long break from social media, to sacrifice their time, repent, pray, and stand out from the world. Many youth have organized to disengage from a constant reliance on social media using the hashtag #7DayBreakFromTheFake.

I love our prophet's message to the youth, and you can click on the bottom to get the full message.  WORDS TO LIVE BY!

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The following is excerpted from the Church News. To read the full article, click here
Recognizing that he is preparing for the day when he will be required to give an accounting to the Lord about his stewardship as God’s prophet upon the earth, President Nelson said he did not want to report at that time that he was not more clear or bold with the youth about their part in the gathering of Israel. 
“So now, I am inviting every young woman and every young man between the ages of 12 and 18 in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to enlist in the youth battalion of the Lord to help gather Israel.”
President Nelson offered five specific things for youth to do — that will change them and help change the world — as they enlist in the Lord’s youth battalion to gather Israel.
1. Disengage from a constant reliance on social media. President Nelson invited the youth of the Church to hold a seven-day fast from social media to decrease its worldly influence upon them.
“I acknowledge that there are positives about social media,” President Nelson said. “But if you are paying more attention to feeds from social media than you are to the whisperings of the Spirit, then you are putting yourself at spiritual risk, as well as the risk of experiencing intense loneliness and depression.”
The prophet warned of the “false reality” often portrayed online, where every post includes a person’s most fun, adventurous and exciting pictures, which creates the erroneous impression that everyone else has a fun, adventurous and exciting life.
“Much of what appears in your various social media feeds is distorted, if not fake,” he said. “So, give yourself a seven-day break from fake.”
2. Make a weekly sacrifice of time to the Lord, for three weeks in a row.
To read the full article, click here.


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