1193. 200 years ago today was a VERY significant day ! Videos and things to read about the First Vision of the Prophet Joseph Smith!

TODAY is the day to watch these videos, if you have time.  We are today celebrating, according to this
 video - and the proof is here! -- a most important day in the history of the entire world,
 since Jesus Christ was on the earth.

How Lovely Was the Morning – Documentary [HD]

Also, an article on Book of Mormon blog is about what was in the video, but has more interesting things 
also, that have been studied by scientists, etc.

This comment below was also in that article above, which is fascinating!  

 March 26th would become a "favorite" date for Joseph Smith. That date has stuck in my mind 
ever since I learned that two events happened on that day, one in 1839 and one in 1844.
 26 March 1844, a meeting meeting was held in which Joseph Smith gave his “Last Charge”
 to the Quorum of the Twelve and “roll[ed] the kingdom off [his] shoulders” onto theirs in the
 presence of the Council of Fifty. Truman Madsen explained that he chose that date because 
on 26 March 1839 (Now D&C Section 122) he was told, "Thy days are known, and thy years 
shall not be numbered less." More specific he was told 5 years. March 26th has a very special 
meaning to Joseph Smith.   

Below a good one!  But notice where the stop button is -- because it has so many good quotes, 
but they go by so fast you can't read them before they're gone.  And scroll down the right side,
 and there are suggestions of other similar videos.

Watch "The restoration is here" on YouTube

These may take awhile to watch and read, but I believe they really will help us in our preparation
 for our General Conference, to be held a week from this coming Saturday and Sunday, April 4th and 5th!

I want all who receive this, and read it, to know I have a testimony of the Prophet
 Joseph Smith's First Vision, and I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints
 is the only true and living Church on the earth.  I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior, 
and loves each of us with an infinite love, as does Heavenly Father also.  I build my life on it daily, 
and want to be faithful to the end of my life.  
Love, Mom, Grandma, Pal, 


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