1197. Watch: Quarantined Missionaries Around the World Spread the Gospel Through Social Media Music Videos byGreyson Gurley, on LDS Living

      Some missionaries are still out in the mission field, and trying to spend          their time usefully -- and are showing their talents!


Watch: Quarantined Missionaries Around the World Spread the Gospel Through Social Media Music Videos

by | Mar. 30, 2020
In order to connect with others during quarantine, many people are sharing their musical talents with each other through social media—missionaries included!
With more time on their hands than usual, some missionaries have found creative ways to spread the gospel virtually, including companion duets, catchy compositions, and multi-language compilations.
Even Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf has posted about those who are sharing the gospel through music. The apostle shared a video of his grandson and his grandson’s companion playing a rendition of the hymn “There is Sunshine in my Soul Today” on guitar and clarinet.
Here are a few videos that we found especially uplifting:
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Greyson Gurley
A Georgia native, Greyson Gurley is the current editorial intern for LDS Living. She is a graduate of Southern Virginia University, where she studied English and was a member of the badminton club. Her life goals include actually learning French, saving the environment, and finding the perfect chocolate croissant.


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