1315. Class on understanding Roots Tech 2021.

 I haven't been writing as much lately -- partly due to having a hip replacement operation on February 8, 2021, and getting Covid a week later.  I am getting almost back to normal, and today I want to tell you about a fascinating class I just watched on Zoom!              

Type in:  https://uvtagg.org.classes/Dons/Dons-classes.html

That gets you into the page notes by Donald Snow, a retired professor of Mathematics at BYU, who is a Family History and Genealogy  whiz!  I got acquainted with him and his wife many years ago at the St. George Family History Center, where we were all on Family History Missions.  He and his late wife Diane were over the Family History Center in England, I think in Preston.  Also they were over the Family History Center in Nauvoo, Illinois, -- so you can see they know a lot!  He turned 90 years old last month, and is very alert, and knowledgeable!

The class was on Roots Tech, which we can access for the next year!  They expected perhaps 50,000 people to watch, and they had over one million!  There were over 1500 sessions -- classes from 5 to 20 minutes, with over 250 presenters from many countries.  There were sessions in 10 or more languages, and you could get English sub-titles to classes which were presented in other languages.

The RootsTech convention itself was held on February 25, 26th, and 27th this year, and the classes are all free, and you can watch them until just before the Roots Tech 2022 will be next year.

If you go to the site above, you have access to Donald Snow's notes, with many live links you can click on.  He gives these classes every 2 weeks on Zoom, and you can join in if you want to.  You can also find the classes sponsored on Facebook, under the UVTAGG group -- which stands for the Utah Valley Group which sponsors classes.  Today his class talked about watching the tutorials which are right on the front page of Roots Tech.  I went to that site and watched several of them.  

                 My husband Wayne and I on our mission to Sweden in 1994-1995

I have loved Family History -- and what was called Genealogy when I was young -- and have collected Family pedigree and Family Group charts, and life stories of ancestors since I was a teenager.

On Roots Tech there are articles on all kinds of traditions and history of many countries, and a lot to learn.  It has a feature which you can use called -- "My Playlist", which you can create a list as long as you want -- of what you want to watch in the future.  I did that today, and I've got so much to watch already!  Also tutorials on how to do indexing, etc.  I also want to learn about Swedish Research, because my late husband Wayne D Eckman's father was from Sweden, so around 1/4th of my children's ancestry is from Sweden, and written in Swedish!  We were able to go on a Senior Couple mission there.

I hope some of you will take the chance to learn about Roots Tech, and get going on your own Family History!


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