1318. July 4, 2021, Special Memories of other July 4th holidays!

 I posted this last July 4th, and I will next year!  My husband Wayne had special anniversaries on July 4th, which are told here!

 It is a special tribute to my husband Wayne D Eckman, who passed away Feb. 21, 2016.

Blogs 881, 1050, and 1146 are all the same, with a few additions each year!
I FIRST POSTED THIS July 4th, 2018, and is # 1050 in this blog.  I hope you enjoy these special memories!  And Beautiful music!

Happy July 4th to all you dear friends!  I'm reposting # 881 I posted a year ago, about my husband Wayne, and him coming home on July 4th from the army in 1955, and 2 years earlier on July 4th from his mission to Sweden.  Fun memories!  Also some beautiful Patriotic songs!  (Further down)

                   Wayne, on a July 4th holiday at our son Allen's in Menan, Idaho.

Wayne on the left, and Blaine, his twin brother, in the army in 1954, in Europe.

This was first written on July 4, 2016. 

 Tomorrow, July 4th, is the anniversary of two major events in my husband Wayne D Eckman's life!

In 1953, he returned home from his 2 and a half year mission to Sweden,  and was awaiting his draft papers to be in the army, during the Korean War period.  In August, the next month, is when Wayne and I were introduced by mutual friends, on a blind date.  My best friend from Dixie High School had married one of his best friends in Murray, Utah.  They picked me up from an old Church in Salt Lake City, I forget which one, where we were attending a family reunion.  We just rode around and they 2 men mostly talked about memories of their high school days, and Wayne's mission.  Wayne said he would write to me, and I told him to write to:  Pal Miles, St. George, Utah, and it would get to me!  It would in those days.  
A photo Wayne send me when he was in the army writing to me.

         My favorite photo of Wayne on his mission to Sweden, 1950-1953.

Then Wayne went in the Army in September, 1953, and didn't write to me until the next May!  He and his twin brother Blaine had their training, etc., and were sent to Trieste, near Italy, instead of Korea.  We wrote letters for 14 months, until he again came home on July 4th, 1955 from the army!  So July 4th has always been a special holiday for us, for personal reasons, including our country's freedom.  I had graduated with an Associate Degree in Dixie College, and had one year at BYU while he was gone, and I was working for the summer at the Genealogical Society in Salt Lake City when he came home.  He came in his army uniform on July 4th to meet me -- the day he got home!

I had signed up with the BYU students to go and be in group scenes in the Hill Cumorah Pageant, and was leaving on July 28th, to be gone until August 22nd.  We saw each other every day but 2 days in those 3 weeks, and the night before I was to leave the next morning, July 27th, he proposed to me, and I was wearing my diamond ring on my way to the Pageant!

I have written more about this in other blogs.  But today I am going to visit his grave, and also I want to post something I put on Facebook last night: (Written in 2016)

I HAD A LOVELY EXPERIENCE TODAY!I was in Costco today , and got to the check stand to pay for what I had in my basket, and I couldn't find my check book! I had left it home.
I began to say, I had forgotten my check book and would
take the food back, and the man in the line just in front of me said
"No, I'll cover it. I'd be glad to!" It surprised me so much, and I
said "Thank You, Thank you!"
He had his wife and son who looked about 9 or 10 years old. She said that they were happy to do this.
I thanked them again with tears in my eyes, and they said "Have a happy July 4th!" It was about $35.
I thought what a great example they had given their young son,
of being kind to an "old lady"! They didn't know I was a widow of
only 4 months, and that July 4th was such a special day to me
because my husband Wayne, of over 60 years, had come home from the army on July 4th, 61 years ago! After we had met on a blind date and then had written letters for 14 months.

It brought tears to my eyes, and still does! There truly are kind good people in this world!

This is new, in 2021!  I had an experience just Friday night, 2 days ago -- July 2nd, 2021.  This taught me again how much our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are in the details of our lives!

We had been to the wedding reception of my granddaughter, and Wayne and Julie (my oldest son and his wife with whom I live.) -- They had stayed late to help clean up the place where they had the reception.  They got home at almost 11 p.m., and promptly went to bed after our Family Prayer.  In a few minutes I got a text from a neighbor a few houses away, telling me that she had texted Julie, and Julie didn't respond.  Our garage door had been left open when they came home.  I thanked her, and went down and closed it.  Julie heard today that recently someone in our neighborhood had their garage raided one night, and someone tried to steal their car.  I don't know other details, but I don't usually look at texts on my phone, and I was ready to go to sleep, and on a "whim" I looked, and saw the text!  We were protected! 


These inspiring renditions of patriotic sons by LDS artists are sure to give you chills and help you remember the true meaning of Independence Day. Happy July 4th, everyone!

The Piano Guys dedicated this touching rendition of "Bring Him Home" from Les Miserables to families who sacrifice to preserve freedom.

 ‌  ‌
July 4, 2020
Eternal Life
2 Nephi 2:27
Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself.

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Willford Woodruff
“There lies within your reach salvation, eternal life and a part in the first resurrection; in fact, all the blessings God has promised to any people that has ever been in the flesh, are held out to you and are within your reach inasmuch as you do your duty” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Wilford Woodruff, p. 213).

July 4
1838 - The Saints celebrate the United States Independence Day in Far West Missouri.  The day proved to be enjoyable to all present.  Sidney Rigdon gave a fiery speech against the mob action in Jackson County, Missouri later known as the “Mormon Declaration of Independence.”  This speech is sometimes criticized for its ill-advised and inflammatory words, but expressed the determination of the Saints not to be driven from their homes again.  However, the events of the next few months proved otherwise and the Saints would be leaving Missouri for Illinois by years end.

For More HistoryClick Here!

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On the Bright Side

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