1365. Setting goals: Advice from Elder John A. Widtsoe still relevant more than a century later

 This was first published in the Deseret News in 2012.  It is great for thinking about what we want to set as New Year's Goals.  There also is an article by Elder John A. Widtsoe when he was President of the University of Utah.  I am putting that also at the end of this article.  This may seem long, and you can take whatever time you need, or come back and read it later.  It is well worth the read!

Setting goals: Advice from Elder John A. Widtsoe still relevant more than a century later

Members of the BYU Board of Trustees on commencement day 1933. From (L to R)  BYU President, Dr. Franklin S. Harris, Church President, Heber J. Grant, Church counselor Anthony W. Ivins, Senator and Member of the Council of Twelve, Reed Smoot, David O. McK
Members of the BYU Board of Trustees on commencement day 1933. From (L to R) BYU President, Dr. Franklin S. Harris, Church President, Heber J. Grant, Church counselor Anthony W. Ivins, Senator and Member of the Council of Twelve, Reed Smoot, David O. McKay, later President of the Church and John A. Widtsoe, both members of the Council of Twelve. Deseret News Archives
 Deseret News Archives

Every year millions of people resolve to do a little better than the previous year. Gyms are frequented more often, fresh fruit and vegetables are purchased and even scripture study increases. But sometimes those good intentions may result in resting treadmills, spoiled food and dusty books.

It has been said that a goal not written is just a wish. Perhaps the lack of planning is one reason that resolutions are not kept. Life, some say, just gets in the way and many become discouraged when their New Year's resolutions become memories. But life is what you make of it, and a life centered on Jesus Christ will result in a life of achievements.

"Realizing that happiness in life is only obtained by having a pure heart, a clear conscience; and fearing the Lord and keeping his commandments I lay down the following regulations by which I shall try to conduct my life hereafter; to which end may the Lord Almighty, my Creator, help me."

These are the words of 19-year-old John A. Widtsoe, who would later become an apostle. More than 100 years ago, he penned 17 resolves that served him well throughout his life. These regulations are still relevant today as we plan our lives and use our time wisely.

John Andreas Widtsoe was born in Norway in 1872 to John A. Widtsoe and Anna Karine Gaarden. After the death of her husband in 1878, Anna Widtsoe moved young John and her newborn baby boy to Trondheim to be near relatives.

It was there that Anna joined the LDS Church and in 1884, she and her sons migrated to Logan, Utah. At the age of 17, John enrolled at Brigham Young College in Logan and he graduated in 1891. On Jan. 1 of that year, he wrote the following on lined paper:


"1st. That religion, the science of sciences, be made my chief concernment throughout life.

"2nd. That I will daily pray to God in secret.

"3rd. That I will daily reflect upon God and his attributes and try to become like him.

"4th. That I will receive Light, Wisdom or Knowledge, wherever or however it may be offered.

"5th. That I never be ashamed to acknowledge my principles, beliefs and religion when I once become fully convinced of their correctness.

"6th. That I never lose one moment of time but improve it.

"7th. That I maintain strict temperance in eating and drinking.

"8th. That I never do anything that I would not do were it the last hour of my life.

"9th. That I daily read the word of God, that I may learn his will and that I may be comforted, strengthened and encouraged by so doing.

"10th. That in any narrations I speak nothing but the pure and simple verity.

"11th. That I always do that which I think is my duty and for the best good for my fellow beings.

"12th. That I live with all my might while I do live, that I may not die a living death.

"13th. That I never by word or manner try to force my opinions on others but that I simply state them and offer my arguments against others!

"14th. That I seek to overcome the habit of being quick tempered, loud speaking, impatient motions and whatever might offend my fellowmen and hurt me.

"15th. That I never for a moment forget my duty towards my mother, she who has made me who I am and who will make what I will become, she who has spent the better portion of her life in my behalf and to whom I owe all the honor, respect, and affection that I can give; also that I always remember my duties toward my brother and all my friends and relations.

"16th. That I complete every task which I begin; also that I carefully consider my purpose and its results before taking upon me any duty.

"17th. That I always remember that the men and women I meet are my brothers and sisters and that I look to the beam in my own eye before attempting to remove the mote in my fellow's eye."

Widtsoe's duty to his mother was well deserved. Anna mortgaged her property and took out loans to send her son to Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass. In three years, he finished the four-year curriculum and graduated summa cum laude. Widtsoe returned to Logan and accepted a job as a professor at Utah State Agricultural College (now Utah State University).

In 1898, Widtsoe married Leah Eudora Dunford. They moved to Germany, where Widtsoe earned a Ph.D. from the University of Goettingen. He again returned to Logan and built up the agriculture research department at the Agricultural College. His work on scientific dry farming and irrigation practices were used in arid regions throughout the world.

He served as president of the college from 1907 to 1916 and later as president of the University of Utah from 1916 to 1921. Elder John A. Widtsoe was ordained an apostle in 1921 and served in that capacity until his death in 1952.

"I hope it will be said of me I have tried to live unselfishly, to serve God and my fellow man, and use my time and talents industriously for the advancement of the human good," Elder Widtsoe expressed toward the end of his life.

His life served as an example to others, and his work has made an impact on people throughout the world. Elder Widtsoe's story is included in the institute manual "The Gospel and the Productive Life." The teacher manual states, "Many people struggle with setting goals and managing their time effectively." It then listed three principles to help improve lives and better serve others.

1. Setting worthwhile goals gives direction to our lives.

2. We should set goals in a number of different areas.

3. Managing our time gives us control over our lives so we can serve more effectively.

In his October 1974 general conference address, President Ezra Taft Benson, then president of the Quorum of the Twelve, said: "Every accountable child of God needs to set goals, short- and long-range goals. A man who is pressing forward to accomplish worthy goals can soon put despondency under his feet, and once a goal is accomplished, others can be set up. Some will be continuing goals. Each week when we partake of the sacrament we commit ourselves to the goals of taking upon ourselves the name of Christ, of always remembering him and keeping his commandments.

"Of Jesus' preparation for his mission, the scripture states that he 'increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.' (Luke 2:52.) This encompasses four main areas for goals: spiritual, mental, physical, and social. 'Therefore, what manner of men ought ye to be?' asked the Master, and he answered, 'Verily I say unto you, even as I am.' (3 Ne. 27:27.) Now there is a lifetime goal — to walk in his steps, to perfect ourselves in every virtue as he has done, to seek his face, and to work to make our calling and election sure."

Elder Widtsoe wrote the words to the hymn "Lead Me Into Life Eternal." In it we can find his commitment to God and his resolution to let Christ and the gospel be his "chief concernment throughout life."

"Father, all my heart I give thee;

"All my service shall be thine."

As we begin 2012 (now 2022_, it's important to remember that "a goal is an anticipated accomplishment."

With a list of goals and a determination to accomplish them, we, like Elder Widtsoe at age 19, plan to succeed.

The following was in the Improvement Era, which preceded the Ensign and also the Liahona.  It is very much worth reading!

Some Effects of the Gospel on Human Lives

By Dr. John A. Widtsoe, President of the University of Utah

How does a religion affect the lives of those who practice it? This is the most searching question concerning any re­ligion.

Perhaps the most noticeable and remarkable effect of “Mormonism” upon the lives of its followers is the rapid and large unfolding of the latent powers inherent in man. Faith­ful membership in the Church, including the systematic study of its laws, results in a steady growth in intelligence and the power to use that intelligence in the daily affairs of life. The members of the Church have been drawn from every country and condition of life. Rich and poor; learned and unlearned; skilled and unskilled, have come under the influence of the restored gospel. The weak have become strong; the strong have become mighty, and the Church has become able, in spite of the heterogeneous origin of its members, to build a homo­geneous body capable of accomplishing great tasks. The Euro­pean peasant has acquired a patriarchal understanding; the weaver, the coal miner, and the mechanic, have been used in positions of leadership in politics, finance, or religion; and the men of wealth or learning have found amplified opportunities for expressing their strength.

The body of bishops within the Church, approaching one thousand in number, is perhaps the best illustration of the power of the gospel to remold men into a larger stature. The bishops have been called from every ordinary human pursuit. Among them are farmers, mechanics, merchants, bankers, law­yers, doctors, teachers, capitalists, rich men and poor men; men who have scarcely seen the inside of a school, and college graduates possessing the best learning of the land. Yet, as a body, chosen, first of all, because of their devotion to the cause, they are, in their power to serve the people and to carry on the work in their charge, of remarkable uniformity. Some­thing has occurred within each individual life to wipe out arti­ficial distinctions of learning, wealth or pursuit, until the bish­ops meet and mingle on a common plane of understanding and efficient service.

To an astounding degree the same is true of all the members of the Church. Every person has largely found himself. As duties come, they are performed well—in many cases far beyond ordinary expectations. Frequently, men of large devo­tion, though of the humblest extraction and most meagre prepa­ration, have developed powers, of kingly quality, with which they have become able to satisfy their noble instincts. As such lives are studied, the conviction is established that, inherent in the system of faith established by Joseph Smith, is a kindling quality, by which men are made able to use more completely the powers with which they have been endowed.

Naturally, though such is the effect of the gospel upon the lives of its honest practitioners, there is no dead level among the “Mormon” people—no monotonous equality of gifts or at­tainments. At the best, each man is made better able to ex­press his strength, be it great or small and the size of life's structure is always determined by the foundations that are laid.

Joseph Smith, the Prophet, exemplified in his life the large power to use one's gifts that comes from gospel contact. The Prophet grew up under hard and somewhat unlovely circum­stances. His educational opportunities were exceedingly meagre. He was truly unlettered. During his boyhood and youth and young manhood, he was obliged to earn his living by manual labor. Joseph Smith, by all earthly standards, was not placed in the path to power.

Very soon, however, after the First Vision, a change came over the boy. His family, of good intelligence, and some of them of fairly good school training, accepted teachings and directions from the boy. Men and women of diverse condi­tions and powers, came under his influence and yielded to his superior power. As he proceeded to organize the Church, men of learning and much earthly experience gathered around him, hut always was the youthful Prophet greater than any of his followers. Year by year he grew in power—as religious lead­er, builder of cities, or political and spiritual philosopher— until, towards the close of his short life he was recognized by friend and foe as a man of remarkable strength. Contrast the shrinking boy who, one hundred years ago, timidly looked about in the sacred grove to make sure he was alone before addressing himself to God, with the masterful man, imprisoned in a Missouri jail, who commanded his armed jailors to cease their filthy and blasphemous talk. The detailed life of the Prophet is well known, and drives the student to the conclu­sion that his mighty power was won from the education that the gospel gave him.

The development of individual power is probably the greatest direct effect of the gospel upon the lives of its fol­lowers. From the possession of this larger power are drawn many of the other qualities that distinguish the “Mormon.”

The gospel impels men to use their powers wisely. For example, the members of the Church are nearly all imbued with a desire to acquire the largest possible bodily, mental and spiritual health. Consequently, wise physiological living, high morality, simple honesty, and firm obedience to law, together with correct habits of life, in which work and play are com­mingled, characterize these Latter-day Saints. The gymnasium, the social center, and the Church, are often on the same block, sometimes in a connected building, and all under Church super­vision.

The gospel awakens also an intense desire for intellectual advancement. It is a principle of “Mormonism” that the in­telligence which a man develops here will go with him into an­other world of unending progress. “The glory of God is in­telligence.” The development of intelligence is therefore sought by every legitimate means, by conversation and travel, by the reading of books and periodicals, and by attendance at schools and colleges. This love of intelligence is rapidly making the “Mormon” people a body of high school and college grad­uates.

But the gospel requires that men serve one another. The plan of salvation is universal. Only as all of the human family are won to truth does the plan approach consummation. The conception of this large brotherhood of man has been so driven into the structure of the Church members that it colors all their acts. The missionary system well illustrates this thought. Men and women are called from their ordinary walks and sent into the world, at their own expense, to preach the gospel, ft is a severe test, but if a person survive it, and most of them do, he will henceforth look upon his fellow man as a brother to be loved, helped and cherished.

Further, an understanding of the Plan of Salvation makes a man desirous of securing a fuller understanding of God and the spiritual world. The doctrine of the coherence of the past, present and future, presents a unified scheme of human prog­ress. This life is but a continuation of a life before this, and a preparation for a future life in which individual action will be untrammeled. Under this doctrine, the duties of the day are performed with their spiritual values in mind; and a new courage to labor and to learn is born daily within the human heart.

Out of the doctrine pertaining to man’s relationship to man and God, comes a common sense view of things. Man, a pre-existent being, is on earth with his brethren, all children of God, to learn and to progress, and destined to continue to grow, if the human will is rightly used, throughout all time. God is a personage of transcending power and intelligence, the controller of the earth and man, of life and death. There is no mystery beyond that of truth yet to be gained. Man’s main concern is to live well his earth life; and thus to prepare for the coming life. His God is a God of light, not of mistiness. The field of the unknown is great, but as new truth is won, it will come as added light. There is no place for spiritism or any other form of mysticism in the life of the Latter-day Saint. This explains, in part, the rapid growth of men and women within the Church. Mysteries are as underbrush, hin­drances to progress; remove them, and the path of progress is clear.

Joseph Smith’s impelling desire, when he went into the grove to pray, one hundred years ago, was to know the truth for himself. Every member of the Church has had his equiva­lent first vision. He knows the truth for himself. If he is de­ceived he cannot blame it on someone else. Consequently, the membership of the Church is made up of independent, fearless units, who are anything but the priest-ridden body described by enemies of the Church. This explains many of the so-called peculiarities of the “Mormon” practice of religion. The effect of this individual certainty upon human lives is naturally of tremendous importance. It gives great stability to the Church itself.

All this, and much more than the space allowed for this article to be written, results in making men happy. The Lat­ter-day Saint who lives his religion finds his powers steadily unfolding. He is impelled to use his strength wisely for his own and his neighbor’s good, and for the advancement of an eternal plan of progress in which he is a co-laborer with God. He learns to love light and to eschew imitations of truth which depend upon mysticism and incompleteness for their success. He knows for himself that the system to which he yields alle­giance is true.

Such a man finds daily progressive contentment, though life’s struggle be strenuous. Even from earthly defeat he arises a conqueror.

This may be the severest test. Does a religion give peace of mind, and make even the eager unrest for progress a source of joy? Such a religion conforms to the plan designed by God for his children.

The “Mormon” people have won such contentment. Rest­less they may be, in their daily tasks, as are other people, but, whether behind the plow, in the office, or in the market place, there is a song of joy in their hearts, for they know the truth for themselves; their powers are expanding, they have the will to serve themselves, their fellow men, and their God, and they see clearly, if distantly, the meaning of life and the destiny of man.

Such are some of the effects of the work initiated by the First Vision, upon the lives of those who believe the Vision to be true.


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