2048. Personal thoughts, of my life.

 My Plans, At close to age 89!

  I realize I haven't been very busy on this blog!  I went through a really difficult time during February and March, and I gradually got my health back to the place I feel normal again, except for my back and leg! 

  The photo below was given to me by my Navajo friends Julia and Daniel Smallcanyon many years ago..  It was taken about 1950.

 The ladies are from left to right:

  Big Lady, Daniel's great grandmother, Lady Yellow Hair, who is Julia's great grandmother, and Lady One Salt.  I have wanted to paint them ever since I got the picture, but haven't got around to it.  So I did it in watercolors just earlier this summer, and took it down to Julia, who lives in the town of Washington, near St. George, Utah.  It would have been better to do it in oil paints, but that takes a lot more time and effort, and I guess I'm losing my ambition.  I have made it a practice for many years to give an oil painting to each of my children, and grandchildren when they graduate from high school, and also when they get married.  I still have a few of my 28 grandchildren who haven't gotten married yet, but I may have canvas copies made for them, as I have pictures of about 150 oil paintings I have done over the years.  I'll include them when I haven't got special photos to show.

This is the photograph.  Below is the watercolor picture I made of it.

  During the last part of June and the first part of July, I went to a care center for 2 weeks while my son Wayne and his wife Julie went to Austria and Switzerland! That got me to really thinking about it being time for me to go to a care center.  Since December I hadn't been able to drive, and I sold my car, and they have had to take me anywhere I needed to go -- doctors, Church, or shopping.  So I have been checking, and I will go to the Fairfield Village Retirement Center, in Layton, Utah, in 2 or 3 months!  My husband Wayne was in the army during the Korean war, but fortunately was sent to Europe as he and his twin brother knew a European language, having learned it on their LDS missions from 1950 to 1953.  He passed away over 7 years ago, but that makes me eligible to receive a Veteran's widow allotment if I need to go to a care center.  We applied in June, and it takes often 4 to 5 months to be approved.  So when it is, I'll be going to the Care center, to the Assisted Living department.

  Once I get into a room, I hope I can stay there until I pass away!  If I need more care, I can get it in the same room!  The other care center didn't have that kind of skilled nursing.  I do have a long term care policy which is for 2 years, and I can use it there when I need to!  I will keep writing in my blog, and try to do it often now.  I used to do it a lot, and I will try to make it interesting!  At least to whomever is interested in the things a lady my age will write!  It actually is a sort of diary for me, but I haven't done that for quite awhile. 

   That is all I'll write today, but I'll try to write more often! 



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