44. Temples and Peace for this Christmas Season
This morning I went to the St. George Temple at the 8:00 a.m. session. Even though I have been often, I sat there just thrilled with the beauty of this wonderful world we are so blessed to live in. The beauty of the earth, the heavens, and Heavenly Father's Plan for us was filling my soul with joy. I prayed for the person whose name I took through, and hope she will accept my offering to her. The beautiful St. George Temple, from which I live only a 5 minute walk away. My ancestors helped build it, and attended it often during its early days. The name I took was one of some names from the line in my ancestry which is "Pennsylvania Dutch", which is the group which came from Holland in the early 1600's. They called their city "New Amsterdam", and in about 1664 when the English conquered them, they renamed it "New York". I have found many interesting stories about that group, including an ancestor of one of those...