
Showing posts from June 1, 2015

426. What I learned the hard way: How I protect my family on Instagram. Great article!

With vacations coming up, and many of us taking lots of family photos, this may be something to think about. I read this in April when my husband was very ill and in the hospital, and I saved it to share. (Just a note: He is doing great on kidney dialysis, and it has literally saved his life!)   What I learned the hard way: How I protect my family on Instagram By Hailey Devine For  Something Devine Published: Wednesday, April 8, 2015  Hailey Devine with her daughter Lucy. Provided by Hailey Devine I feel its important to share my experiences with the messed up side of Instagram. I am not writing this to scare anyone, I just wish that I would have been more educated before I had to learn the hard way. More Coverage Wake up and smell the sexting, parents “ I wanted so badly to just delete my account, but I also didn't want these bad guys to win! I felt so strongly that I wanted to be that goodness in the world! After mo...