941. My adventures, escapades, and visits in the last 2 weeks!
Well, I'm back! After a very fun, exciting, and memorable time! I have been home for just over 3 days, and been busy catching up on my Family History Mission, (a V-ROC mission -- Virtual Records Operations Center mission -- at home on my own computer). I committed to a minimum of 8 hours a week, and the week before I left on October 23, I did over 16 hours, to make up for the week I would be gone, and then I needed to do my 8 hours for this week! My son Wayne, and his wife Julie and I left the Monday morning of October 23, at precisely 15 to 8 a.m. (Wayne has this thing about time -- he likes to plan ahead, and be precise about times! It's helped keep Julie and me on our toes!) We arrived at the Gold Coast Hotel in Las Vegas that evening in time for a lovely dinner and concert provided by the Accordion Convention. The first night Pat Debenham came and sat at our table, and from then on he was our fast friend, always sitting at our ta...