772. The Marriage Miracle Few Will Try, from Meridian Magazine. Much wisdom in this!
This insightful article was the second most read article in Meridian Magazine this past year! Great article, which can bring a lot of happiness into your marriage. The Marriage Miracle That Can Improve Your Marriage, but Only Few Will Try by Joni Hilton | Nov. 14, 2016 Makes You Think Mormon Life I watched a young woman lift her crying baby from the stroller at the airport. Her husband began to fold the stroller up for stowing, and she said, “You don’t have to fold it up, yet. Not until we’re He stopped, puzzled, but pushed the empty stroller along. “We should get some bottled water,” he suggested. “No, I just want to get to the gate,” she said, jostling the baby to quiet her down. “They’ll have water on the plane.” Again, a little more defeated, he fell into step with his wife. “Do you want me to try?” he asked, reaching for the infant. “No way,” his wife said. “That’ll just make it worse.” I hear banter like this all...