493. A brief history of our lives, Wayne and Pal, with an update on recent health problems, and also happy times.
This was originally blog # 120, published on March 25, 2014. I will update it some at the end, and leave the first as originally written. I guess from time to time I should tell some about our own lives, Pal and Wayne Eckman. Actually my full name is Paralee Miles (maiden name) Eckman, and Wayne's is Wayne D Eckman. I was born Oct. 6, 1934, in St. George, Utah and Wayne was born Sept. 18th, 1930, in Murray, Utah, just south of Salt Lake City, in the same valley. I have noticed some of our readers live in foreign countries, and that is fascinating to me! How small our wonderful world is! And I truly feel love and friendship for each one of you, whether we have met or not. That seems to be something that comes with membership in the true Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! This photo was on our wedding day, Sept. 24, 1955. Since then we now have nine children, 29 grandchildren, and 14 great grandchi...