444. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO ALL YOU FATHERS! Fathers of the Prophets. From the LDS Church News. Very interesting, and appropriate for Father's Day.
This article tells about the fathers of some of the prophets. All you fathers who read this, can be a father to a future Church leader, and perhaps you will be. Fathers of the prophets By Ryan Morgenegg For the LDS Church News Published: Thursday, June 18 2015 1:00 p.m. MDT President Joseph F. Smith and his son Joseph Fielding Smith, 1914 Source: BYU Religious Studies Center Prophets have been some of the most influential men throughout time and are often referred to in scripture as “fathers.” But what kind of men were the literal fathers of the prophets? A look at the fathers of modern-day prophets LDS Church New The impact of righteous fathers in the gospel is real. From Christ’s relationship with His own Father to the scripture stories of Lehi and Nephi or Abraham and Isaac, there are principles learned, behaviors modeled and lessons taught. The Church’s Proclamation on the Family states, “By divine design, fathers are to pre...