
Showing posts from October 21, 2020

1284. Straining at Political Gnats, Swallowing Doctrinal Camels, "Thus We See", by Brad McBride | Posted on Oct 21, 2020 -- VERY GOOD!

I subscribe to the blog post of Brad McBride, which is called "Thus We See".  I totally agree with his post, and want to give him total credit for this very timely blog post.  Please give him credit yourselves for this! Straining at Political Gnats, Swallowing Doctrinal Camels   by  Brad McBride   |  Posted on  Oct 21, 2020 Note: I’m sure I will lose some readers over this. I kinda understand. I’ve been at this for over a decade, and would hope that you know me by now. Here we are: Election time. What a mess. I have been a political junkie my entire life. At one point, I even thought seeking political office might be in my future – which lead me to degree in Political Science in college. Thank heavens I didn’t choose that path! It has become such a toxic wasteland that I’m glad I did not subject myself or my family to that corrupt world. Now we find ourselves at the brink of what many, myself included, feel is the most important presidential election o...