1123. Video of Elder Bruce R. McConkie's last testimony in April, 1985, General Conference, 12 days before he passed away.
As a special video for Easter Sunday, you would love to watch the final testimony of Elder Bruce R. McConkie, given in April Conference, 1985. He passed away just 12 days later. This is so impressive, I hope you enjoy it, and that it strengthens your testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ, whose Atonement and Resurrection we celebrate today on Easter Sunday. Here are 2 different links, to the same video! https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1646588748725157 https://www.facebook.com/LDSStandingUnited/videos/1646588748725157/UzpfSTE2NDIzNDE1NzM6MTAyMTY5MDgxNjI4MDk5NzM/?notif_id=1555811053288800¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic