290. Great quotes from Famous People about the Mormons!
I enjoyed this article today from LDS Living! You will also! Amazing Quotes from Famous Historical & Modern Figures on the Mormons NOVEMBER 14, 2014 BY: JOHN HUNTINGHOUSe John F Kennedy “Of all the stories of American pioneers and settlers, none is more inspiring than the Mormon trail. The qualities of the founders of this community are the qualities that we seek in America, the qualities which we like to feel this country has, courage, patience, faith, self-reliance, perseverance, and, above all, an unflagging determination to see the right prevail. I know that many of you in this State and other States sometimes wonder where we are going and why the United States should be so involved in so many affairs, in so many countries all around the globe. If our task on occasion seems hopeless, if we despair of ever working our will on the other 94 percent of the world population, then let us remember that the Mormons of a century ago were a pers...