
Showing posts from February 11, 2018

813. How Wayne and I met, and the significance of July 4th in our lives!

This was first written on July 4, 2016.   Tomorrow, July 4th, is the anniversary of two major events in my husband Wayne D Eckman's life! In 1953, he returned home from his 2 and a half year mission to Sweden,  and was awaiting his draft papers to be in the army, during the Korean War period.  In August, the next month, is when Wayne and I were introduced by mutual friends, on a blind date.  My best friend from Dixie High School had married one of his best friends in Murray, Utah.  They picked me up from an old Church in Salt Lake City, I forget which one, where we were attending a family reunion.  We just rode around and they 2 men mostly talked about memories of their high school days, and Wayne's mission.  Wayne said he would write to me, and I told him to write to:  Pal Miles, St. George, Utah, and it would get to me!  It would in those days.            My favorite photo of Wayne on his...