
Showing posts from April 14, 2015

394. Why I want you to stay: A letter from a Mormon, by Kayla Lemmon. Great blog!

Dear Friends, this is such a lovely and faith-promoting blog from Kayla Lemmon, and I'd like to repost it for you.  Tonight my husband is still in the hospital, and has a very sore arm where they put in a permanent port for kidney dialysis.  If you read this, please include Wayne D Eckman in your prayers.  Thanks so much! New post on  all our lemmony things Why I want you to stay: A letter from a Mormon by  Kayla Lemmon I think the hardest business in the world is that of loving someone. But it's inevitable. From the moment we're born we attach to someone like a plant's roots wander for water, wrapping ourselves around laughter and friendship and similarities and bonds. People are everything to us. And how ironic that because of that we experience the greatest joys--and the greatest pain. During the time that I've kept this blog I've seen stories that have changed me and I've made friends from worlds away who have uplifte...