
Showing posts from June 23, 2015

446. Why There Is Hope Even If Your Child Has Strayed, by Robert L. Millet, BYU Professor.

This is such a comforting article.  It contains thoughts from a book by Robert L. Millet, a BYU Religious Professor, entitled "When a Child Wanders."  Why There Is Hope Even If Your Child Has Strayed ROBERT L. MILLET - from lds living Learn more about the doctrine behind what happens when a child wanders from the faith. I thought I knew something about the depth of divine love and the supernal power of the everlasting covenant when I chose to write  When A Child Wanders . The last two decades have, however, sharpened my convictions and deepened my faith. My wife Shauna and I have witnessed miracles as loved ones have been drawn back to the fold, but we still seek with all our hearts for the restoration of each one of our children to full and complete acceptance of the restored gospel. And we trust in the assurance that “Our heavenly Father is more liberal in His views, and boundless in His mercies and blessings, than we are ready to believe or receive” (Jo...