598. 31 Powerful Love Lessons for any Relationship! by Nate Bagley at: .http://loveumentary.com/
This is an inspiring article on how to love other people -- our spouses, friends, children, etc. It can apply to any relationship. Love makes the world go round! Just an update for those who read my last blog. My husband Wayne is home from his 2 day hospital stay. He still has many health problems, but is staying cheerful and loving life. 31 Powerful Love Lessons for any Relationship! by Nate Bagley, Feb. 10, 2016 from: http://loveumentary.com/31-powerful-lessons-on-love-in-31-years/ I’ve dedicated my life to helping people better understand what love is and to create amazing relationships in their lives. Here are some of the most important lessons I’ve learned about love in my lifetime. 1. Love is a choice you make every day. You don’t just choose to love someone on your wedding day, and then you’re set for life. Consciously making the same choice to love your partner every single day is incredibly powerful. N...