
Showing posts from February 12, 2023

2039 . The Character of God By Larry Barkdull · February 7, 2023, in Meridian Magazine

The Character of God By  Larry Barkdull  · February 7, 2023 Before he died, Larry Barkdull had written a substantial part of an unfinished manuscript  about the extraordinary power of faith,  particularly as a power that causes things to happen. This is faith on a higher level than we usually practice and understand it. With the permission of his wife, Buffie, Meridian will be running an excerpt from this new book every week. See earlier articles in this series  HERE  and  HERE  and  HERE .  Ultimately, our faith in God the Father is strengthened or injured by our level of belief and confidence in his perfections, attributes, characteristics and powers. Attributes of God the Father The Father is an eternal being.  God cannot be a temporary god. Could we imagine our future to be secure with a god who could die? “He was God before the world was created, and the same God that he was after it was created.” [1]  The Psalmist said, “...