105.Priorities in life --Too busy sawing to sharpen the saw? + Stretching Exercises
I believe I need to "Sharpen my Saw!" Remember Stephen R. Covey? I believe we have all read his books, and benefited so much. I remember one we had years ago which was called "Spiritual Roots of Human Relations." In it he recommends that we include in our planning, an important area on which we must focus which he calls “sharpening the saw.” A story exemplifies what it means to “sharpen the saw.” A man is feverishly sawing away at a tree with his hand saw. A friend walks by and asks the man working so hard on the tree why he doesn't stop for a little while and sharpen his saw so that he can cut the tree more easily. The man cutting the tree replies that he can't stop to sharpen the saw, he is too busy sawing. Have you ever felt like you are continually busy, yet you are not accomplishing anything important? There are things in life that we can do that, if we did them on a regular basis, would help us to sharpen our saw and in so doing, allow us to ...