
Showing posts from August 16, 2021

1330. “What’s Up With the Brethren?!” By Duane Boyce · August 15, 202

  This is a wise, and inspiring article, from Meridian Magazine! “What’s Up With the Brethren?!” By  Duane Boyce  · August 15, 202 The First Presidency’s message last week regarding Covid-19 caught many members by surprise. Though many welcomed it, for those who feel that some members of the government and its agencies have been incompetent and hypocritical—and perhaps even dishonest—it felt like capitulation. Or worse, retreat. With shock, some members have found themselves thinking: “For the first time in my life I actually think I disagree with the Church. How am I supposed to think about  that ?” People who have defended the Church from critics are now, in clear consternation, finding  themselves  feeling critical. This reaction is not surprising. Such members feel that in more than one way righteous principles and personal liberty have been under massive attack in our society. (You name the issue. There are many.) To the degree such members feel the go...