
Showing posts from June 2, 2017

866. When Questions Become Doubts -- by Larry Barkdull, my dear friend from many years back. And free simplified hymn and Primary songs arrangements.

I have mentioned before the huge favor Larry Barkdull did for me, in 1989, when he published 3 simplified piano books for me -- a Simplified Hymn Book, Simplified Primary Songs, and Simplified Songs for LDS Women.  I was unknown, -- I still am! -- and he published them in the music publishing company he then owned -- Sonos Music.  They are now out of print.  Many of them can still be found at  -- if you check out the part on the right:   (Copy and paste these URL addresses on the internet)  In Musichousepublications: Free Sheet Music Free Classics Free Simplified Holiday/Seasonal Songs Also:      ----  Check out free hymn arrangements! If you want simplified arrangements for many LDS hymns and Primary songs, you can print them out free there.  Many of them I arranged.  I used to teach piano lessons, and I made these ...