
Showing posts from June 5, 2016

647. What Heber C. Kimball Saw the Night Joseph Smith Received the Book of Mormon Plates

This is another fascinating look into Church History. What Heber C. Kimball Saw  the Night Joseph Smith Received the Book of Mormon Plates by History of the Saints (Sponsored)  | Jun. 04, 2015 Makes You Think Late one fall evening after Heber and Vilate Kimball had retired to their bed, they were awakened suddenly by a urgent knocking at their door. A neighbor, John Greene, who lived just 100 steps away, stood at the door and bade them come out and behold the scenery in the heavens.” They did so, and it was a beautiful starlit night, so exceptionally clear and brilliant that Heber said he could “see to pick up a pin.” As the little group watched, a white smoke formed on the eastern horizon, and slowly began to rise upward. As it did so, it formed itself into a belt spreading across the sky toward the southwest, and it was accompanied by the sound of a rushing mighty wind. Gradually, that belt flattened out and broadened across int...