428. Why You Should Get Prepared Right Now! Great article and reasons to get prepared soon!
This article from Meridian Magazine is very wise, and makes so much sense! It is interesting to read the reasons that in these times we may be more in need of being prepared than we were a few years back! Why You Should Get Prepared Right Now By Carolyn Nicolaysen · June 1, 2015, from Meridian Magazine In a few short years our society has evolved from the opinion that emergency preparedness and home storage strategies were mainly for religious fanatics and conspiracy theorists, to the pragmatic reality now that disasters happen more often, the world has become more dangerous, and that in our upside-down economy, preparedness is now a sign of rational thinking. In fact, it’s getting downright cool to be prepared. And yet, with personal finances tighter today than yesterday, being prepared may require more commitment and sacrifice than ever before. We may have to return to the first of all questions about being prepared: “Why prepare?” Aside ...